Travis Stoll x reader

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F/c= favorite color. Also sorta lime. Not a lot though.
Your pov

"Where are they" I muttered to myself. I was currently trying to find my lacy underwear. I didn't mean to have them, my friend gave them to me as a joke, and I always made sure they where safe and sound in my drawer. But now they were gone. I threw everything out of my drawer, but still no underwear.

I looked everywhere. Under my bed, in my other drawers, in the restroom, my siblings drawers, just everywhere. Where in the Hades could they be? I was gonna ask piper, but didn't since she isn't one of those people. I walked out of my cabin and went searching in the woods. Why would they be there. I don't know?

"Hey" Travis Stoll said.

"Umm hey" I said. Then it hit me, not the underwear, but the fear that Travis Stoll my long time crush and friend will find my lacy lingerie.

"Whatcha doing" he said. He was clearly excited because he was bouncing on his heels.

"Trying to find something" I said. Travis grinned.

"Whatcha trying to find" he said. I turned a light shade of pink.

"Nothing just a gift someone gave to me" I said a little to quickly.

"Does the gift happen to be f/c and personal" he said. I turned bright red. Oh gods no. Before I could respond he pulled my personal belongings out of his pocket. "I sorta went through your stuff and found these. I wouldn't think someone innocent like you would have these" he said and smirked. I tried to snatch it out of his hand, but he was too tall. Luckily we where in the woods. So no one was around. Hmmm no one around......

"Innocent?" I asked with a pouty voice. I stepped closer to him swaying my hips "who said I was innocent" I said with a husky voice. Travis blushed.

"Uh, umm" he said clearly at a lost for words. I decided to play a more dangerous card. I liked seeing the son of Hermes bashful.

"Maybe I'll put them on for you. That is if you like me" I said with a sexier tone. My chest was pressed against his and I lightly kissed his collarbone. He nodded vigorously. I took this as a chance to reclaim what was rightfully mine. I carefully took my underwear out of his hand. When I had it in mine I stepped away from him, when I did I noticed that he a big tent. I blushed and bit my lip.

"Gotta go" I said with a smirk.

"Aww come on" he whined "a child of Hermes fooled, well played". I took another look at his bulge.

"It you need help with that. Meet me here at 12:00" I said with a wink. He seemed to get the message and a grin appeared on his face.

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