Leo x reader

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"hey y/n!" Leo said as I was  healing someone's leg.

"I'm busy" I said while wrapping the leg in guaze.

"I can see that....but I have an offer for you" leo said. I finished healing the leg and gestured Leo to follow me out.

"What Is this so brilliant offer?" I asked.

"I'll take you on a date like no other" he said.

"Very intriguing. Is this date outside of camp" I said knowing the answer was yes.

"Well....yeah, but don't worry we can sneak out and sneak back in like ninjas" he said. I smiled.

"Then count me in. 8:30 behind my cabin, don't be late" I said while doing a little wink.

"O-okay" he stuttered. I laughed a bit and walked back inside the infirmary.

Leo and I aren't dating, but everyone calls us friends with benefits.

At 8:30 I made sure I looked decent. I was wearing a tank top with a cute baggy cardigan.

"Where are you going out so late" said my older brother Will.

"Just on a little date" I said.

"With Leo?" He questioned. I blushed a little and nodded my head. "Well then don't get into too much trouble" he said. I said bye to Will and left the cabin.

"There you are, you look beautiful" Leo said.

"Thanks, so where to" I said blushing a bit.

"Put this on" Leo said handing me a blind fold.

"Uhh" I said.

"Don't worry" he said. I put it on, and He walked me over to festus, and off we went.

Let time Skip

"Okay take the blind fold off" leo said. I took it off and was surprised to see that we were in front of a Publix.

"You took me to go grocery shopping" I said.

"No. Just wait till we get inside" he said. We walked inside. Leo took my hand and lead me to the fish section.

"Look at this" he said pointing to the live lobsters.

"Very nice and red" I said. He laughed.

"You see how they're fighting" he said.

"Uh huh"

"Let's bet on who's gonna win. Loser gets to do one thing the winner says to do" he explained.

"You're on, I'm betting for the lobster on the left" I said. Leo smiled and we watched the two lobsters fight.

"Mine is totally gonna win" leo said after a while of watching them. And right as he said that his lobster won.

"This is rigged" I said.

"Cough, cough my prize" he said.

"Okay, give me one thing to do" I said. Leo thought for a moment.

"Kiss me" he said smirking. I turned as red as the lobster.

"Okay then" I said. We leaned in and kissed. I only planned for it to be a second, but it lasted for a few minutes. We both melted into each other. His hands were on my waist and mine were around his neck.

"Thanks for taking me here, this was a date like no other" I said.

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