Percy x reader

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Based on the song "When You Were Young" by The Killers

I bounded up the stairs skipping some, excited to see my boyfriend. Today marked 1 year. I've never had a relationship last this long due to cheating.

"I've got a surprise for you" I texted him. When I got to his dorm I checked my self using my phone camera. I knocked a little and walked in.

Worst mistake of my life.

When I opened the door I saw my boyfriend kissing another girl. I dropped the present I had for him, and ran away as fast as I can.

After a while of running I found myself in front of my apartment. I opened the door, went to my room and cried on my bed.

You sit there in your heart ache

I cried for hours until I heard a knock at my door. I got up and checked myself in the mirror. I looked like a mess. Oh well.....

     Waiting on some beautiful boy

I opened the door to find Percy. He was wearing a white flannel and it complemented his sea green eyes. He had a smile on his face until he saw me his smiled turned into a frown.

"Oh my gods y/n, what's wrong?" He asked. I just cried more. He nodded understanding. He came inside and we sat on the couch together.

        He doesn't look a thing like Jesus but he talks like a gentleman

"It's okay" he said rubbing circles on my back. I put my head on his shoulder and cried. It took a while for me to stop, but when I did Percy got up and made us some hot chocolate (sorry if you don't like hot chocolate)

"What happened, if you wanna talk about it." He asked.

They say the devils water it ain't so sweet, you don't have to drink right now but you can dip your feet every once in a little while

"I found my boyfriend cheating on me" I said taking a sip of my drink. Percy eyes turned red with fury.

"I swear I'm gonna kill that boy when I see him" he said, which made me laugh a little. I put my head on his shoulder again and he put his arm around me.

"Y/n" he said

"Mhmm" I responded with. He put his hand on my chin and brought his face to mine.

"You're way better than any girl I've met. I don't know why a someone would do that to you" he said. I stared at him wide eyed. My senses finally kicked in and I kissed him. We shared a nice passionate kiss.

This was kinda based on the song. Anyway this was fun to make. Also sorry I've been gone school is sooo stressful.

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