Leo x reader

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Your pov

I walked into bunker 9 with a bottle of Tabasco sauce.

"Hey Leo" I said. I secretly had a crush on him. Well Annabeth, Piper and Hazel knew.

"Oh, hey y/n" Leo said looking up from his project.

"Whatcha making" I said.

"Someone form the Apollo cabin wanted a new bow" he said smiling. I smiled. I'm the one that requested the bow.

"Good luck, Apollo kids are picky about their bows" I said, and winked. He laughed. "Well I'm gonna feed Festus" I said waving the hot sauce bottle, and grabbing a bucket of motor oil.

"Oh, he's out there in the back" he said. I walked out, looking back at Leo. I sighed. A hot guy like him, won't like a girl like me. I walked to the back and saw Festus.

"Hey Festus" I said. The dragon's ears poked up and he turned to face me. I petted his snout and he rubbed against me affectionally.

I fed him some Tabasco sauce with oil. He sat there peacefully eating, while I babbled to him.

"I think I like Leo, maybe even love" I said. Festus looked up at me encouraging me to go on. "His hair is just so soft and his eyes are like chocolate. Everything about him is perfect" I said. Festus eyes focused on something else and I saw Leo standing there eyes wide. I blushed. How long has he been there. I stood up.

"Uh, um I'm sorry. I'll go" I said. I was walking away when I felt a grip on my wrist. I turned around and saw Leo.

"Well Piper always hinted it to me, but I didn't think......" he trailed off. I mentally scolded Piper. He let go of my wrist.

"The thing is" he said while scratching the back of his neck "I have liked you for a long time, I always had a crush on you" I have never seen Leo get nervous, so seeing him nervous gave me some confidence. I walked up to him, swaying my hips.

"Are you nervous" I said. He gulped. I walked right in front of him. I looked up and saw his brown orbs starring intensely into my e/c eyes. I stepped on my tip toes and whispered "if you liked me so much, why didn't you say anything" I pulled away, and before I got down on my tip toes I felt his soft lips meet mine. I immediately kissed back. I closed my eyes and melted into the kiss.

We both parted for air. He smiled at me and I smiled back. I looked and saw Festus covering his eyes with his wings. I laughed, and kissed Leo's cheek.

Pipers pov

"Piper get off of me" Annabeth said. We were currently in a tree spying on Leo and y/n. He told me he was finally going to confess his love.

"Give me the binoculars" I said. She then gasped. I moved a tree branch and saw y/n and Leo kissing. It lasted for a while. When they parted Annabeth and I fist pumped.

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