Will x reader

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Your pov

The good thing about having an overprotective boyfriend is that their protecting and care about you. The bad thing is that sometimes they can get too over protective. Like today for an example when I was training with Percy.

"I finally beat you" I said to Percy as his sword hit the floor. Percy laughed and reclaimed Riptide.

"Another round, this time I won't go as easy" he said with a grin.

"Bring it, mermaid" I said. He playfully rolled his eyes and we started. The fight was going good, until I swung to hard and my wrist started to hurt like Tartarus. Then Percy's sword hit my arm which made it bleed.

"Oh my gods. Y/n I'm sorry" he said once he saw the blood trickling down my arm.

"It's fine jus-" I said but was cut off by a yell in the distance.

"I know you just didn't do that" said Will fast walking toward us. I gave Percy and apologetic smile.

"Will it's fine" I said.

"What! Your wrist is clearly sprung and- is that blood" he said. I nodded. "Percy Jackson-" before he could finish I cut him off.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's go to the infirmary" I said. Will was silent the whole way which made me worry. He even bandaged my wounds without saying anything.  Which was very rare for a son of Apollo. Usually he would be very talkative.

"Will-" I said, but was cut off by him.

"Y/n, I'm so sorry. I let you down again." He said. I looked at him with a puzzled face.

"Will, what do you mean. You have never let me down" I said.

"Yes I have. Whenever you get hurt, I'm always here, and not with you." He said looking down.

"Will" I said while putting my hand on his cheek. "You have never let me down, just because you're not with me when I get hurt doesn't mean anything" I said, and kissed his cheek. He smiled and kissed my nose.

Yeah, overprotective boyfriends can be a pain, but in the end it's worth it.

Any suggestions on what character I should do. (It can be from PJO)

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