Connor x reader pt.1

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This one is short and sweet

He watches her from across the camp fire. Like he's the night and she's the moon. He looks down when she glances his way.

"He doesn't even know I exist" she says sadly turning away. But right after the camp fire he goes up to her.

"Hey, I'm Connor. I was wondering if you could help me with" he says nervously. Y/n's heart is rapidly pounding. Her cheeks flush.

"Yeah, sure" she says. He breathes a sigh of relief.

"See you tomorrow then" he says walking away, tripping over his own feet.

The next day

She talks to him about the proper training stance and everything. He already knows this, but just wanted an excuse to be with her. He smiles because no matter what she says, she's funny, interesting and smart. Their little training session is over due to the dinner bell ringing.

"Talk to you later" he says. Y/n nods in agreement.

"He probably think I'm boring" y/n says quietly to herself. And wishes she was more fun.

They end up talking to each other whenever they can. And every time he sees her his heart beats rapidly. He loves that's she can always keep a conversation alive.

"He thinks I'm desperate" she worries.

She lies awake at 3 am thinking about him and her conversations.

"He could never feel the same way" she decides. And she falls asleep. Little does she know.

He's still awake thinking about her.

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