Connor Stoll x Reader

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It was the day before competition. If we passed this round we'll be going to world. I was excited and nervous at the same time which isn't really a good combination. 

I was excited because I knew we had a good team. I was nervous because we had to stay in a hotel. I'm always nervous in hotels because you never know what's gonna happen. You can be sleeping on a used condom. Plus I hated being away from home and not sleeping on my conformable bed.

My parents weren't coming so I asked the next best thing.

"Hey Connor wanna come to my competition" I asked.

"Yeah! Totally" he replied with. I sighed with relief. Conner and I have been best friends for a long, long time.

"Thanks so much. Also you might wanna pack a bag it's overnight at a hotel" I informed him.

"Alrighty" he said. We talked a bit and said out final goodbyes and said see you tomorrow.

The next day

I got my stuff together and headed to Connors house, since I was picking him up.

"Hey" he said getting in the car and throwing his bag in the back seat.

"Hey little theif" I said with a smirk.

"Haven't heard that one in a while seagirl" he replied back. I lightly punched him on the shoulder and started the car.

While in the car Conner and I talked and sang to music.

"Ah I forgot how good that song was" he said laughing.

"Sang that high note pretty well" I said with sarcasm.

I pulled into the hotel parking lot and parked near the entrance. Connor got our bags and we both walked to the front desk.

"Room for Y/f/n" I told the receptionist. (Your full name)

"Here's your room keys, enjoy your stay" she said handing me the cards. We went up to the room. I opened the door to see only one bed.

"Oh....uh" I mumbled.

"It's fine I can just take the couch" Conner said.

"No! I mean....I dragged you into this trip you don't have to take the couch" I said tripping over some words.

"No worries I wanted to come on this trip" he said. I nodded my head. My phone buzzed. I looked seeing a text from a teammate.

"Team is ready to go to dinner" I said. He got up and we left.

After dinner

"Oof that was so much" I said patting belly.

"I think I might be pregnant" Connor said, sending me laughing.

I did my nightly routine and got in bed. 

"Goodnight" I told Connor he hummed in response and i turned off the night light. I heard a bit of snoring informing me that Connor was asleep.  I sighed. I hated sleeping in hotels. I turned and turned trying to find a comfortable spot but just couldn't. without thinking i went up to Conner and poked him. He woke up instantly. 

"sorry to wake you, but i can't sleep" I said. I checked the time and it was 1:00 am. 

"its all good, I wasn't having good dreams" he said. 

"do you wanna sleep in the bed with me" i asked, thanking it was dark because my face was as really as a fire truck.

"Yeah" he said. I went to the bed and he got on with me. I layed down and he put his arm over me.

"Goodnight" he said. I jumped in response, my eyes were getting heavy. Before I knew it I was asleep.

Conner's pov

Y/n's head was in my arm and her arm was around me. My arm was around her head. She looked so peaceful sleeping.

"I love you" I said kissing her head.

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