home again

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It's been about a week and a half since the incident, and my mother has yet to allow me to see Carson, she's still in extreme pain and it hasn't stopped. I usually spend time with Charlie or Jasper. Charlie sleeps in my bed with me at night since my nightmares came back, she says that she wants to protect me, but I'm pretty sure she just doesn't like sleeping by herself right now. Jasper told me that when it had happened to me, Charlie had slept in her bed too.

At the moment I'm in Jasper's room, hanging out with her since Charlie is in the kitchen area, I wasn't really hungry and Jasper volunteered to stay with me as long as Charlie promised to bring her some food back. We hear a knock on the door before it opens, "hey, it's over," I look up at my mother "the pain stopped an hour ago, you girls want to see her?"

I nod and jump up quickly, "I'll go tell Charlie" Jasper says rushing out of the room.

"wait, did it work, and what about the other side effects" I ask

She nods "it worked and I ran some test, she's perfectly healthy, you guys can go home in a few days" she seems sad.

"Mom?" I question.

"Yeah" she reply's

"Can we come and visit?" I ask looking at her and she smiles before hugging me.

"Of course, now come on, let's go see your sister" I smile and walk with her towards the medical center.

Once we get to the door I stop and look at her "will anyone find out about the DNA thing" she shakes her head.

"No, I did all the test and made sure everyone knew that they couldn't do anything without my permission" she tells me.

I nod and then turn towards the door, I take a deep breath before walking in, "hey."

She sits up and looks at me, "see I told you I would be fine and in a couple days I get to see my parents, you worried about nothing" she says making a joke out of it.

I roll my eyes "you're not funny, it sounded like you were dying" I wipe a tear away.

"It felt like it, but if I'm not going to let it upset me, you shouldn't either" she tells me, and I can tell that it really scared her too.

"you're okay!" Charlie screams before running and jumping on her.

Carson laughs "yeah well I was until you jumped on me."

Charlie smiles sheepishly, "sorry," she gets off of her "we haven't met yet, I'm Charlie, your sister."

Carson rolls her eyes, "well I kind of figured the last part" she the looks over to Jasper who just entered the room panting.

She bends over and puts her hands on her knees, "Charlie, ... I am, ... Never, ... Racing you, ... Again," Jasper's says in between heavy breaths, causing Charlie to smirk. Jasper catches her breath and stands straight up, "hi, I'm Jasper" Carson smiles at her.

"Alright girls, let's give Carson some time to rest" our mother says.

Charlie whines and Jasper flicks her on the ear causing Charlie to glare while rubbing her ear, making Jasper laugh, "that's what you get for cheating."

"I didn't cheat, it was an accident that my foot got in your way" Charlie complains.

"An accident that happened four times" Jasper exclaims.

I roll my eyes at the two and Carson laughs, I turn to her, "I guess I'll see you tomorrow"

I start to leave but Carson stops me, "wait, I don't want to sleep by myself, there's another bed over there, can you stay?"

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