monsters at the window

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I wake up to someone gently shaking me "hey, it's time to get up" I open my eyes and see Sam standing there.

"Where'd Archer go" I ask confused.

"He's down stairs, come on dinners ready" he says quietly.

"Okay" I mumble and get out of bed. I follow Sam down stairs and find Clare, K.C., Chase, and Archer sitting at the table.

When I get to the table Clare gives me a gentle smile. "feeling better?"

I sigh "yeah, I guess," still thinking about what I over heard her say earlier, about how someone was in the house.

"Alright then let's eat, I'm starving" Archer says with that cocky grin I'm used to by now. After dinner we watch a movie and then we all go to bed. Archer sleeps in Chase's room on his bunk bed, which is kind of funny since they're kid sized, and Archer is super tall, making his legs hang off the bed.

It's around midnight when my sleep is interrupted by the sound of something hitting my window. I freak out and jump out of bed, I decided the best thing to do was go get Sam, so I run to their room and jump on top of them.

Clare groans, "Kaison, what are you doing?" she looks at me like I'm crazy.

"Something keeps hitting my window, and I think it said my name" I whisper, scared that whatever it is, might hear me, as I cling to her like a little kid.

Sam's out of the bed and halfway down the stairs with a bat, in two seconds flat, I don't even know where he got the bat from. Me and Clare follow after him. Sam throws open the door and he tackles someone on the lawn. When me and Clare get there, we see Sam holding them down. "Stop, stop, Mr. Camryn, it's me, Noah!"

Sam gets off of him but doesn't let go as he drags him up to his feet. "what are you doing here?!"

"Archer told me about what happened, so I came to see Kaison" he explains, looking slightly afraid.

"And you couldn't have done that in the daylight?" I ask, standing next to Clare, all four of us standing on the lawn now.

"Well I figured that sense you were grounded, that they might not let you talk to me" he says, now looking embarrassed.

"Well she's not talking to you now, so go home" Sam say looking at him, and I can tell he clearly wants to do more than just send him away.

"Wait, can't I talk to him for a few minutes?" I ask, and Noah smiles.

"No, it's the middle of the night" Sam is clearly not in a good mood.

"Please" I look at him.

"Come on Sam, let's go wait in the house. Kaison you've got five minutes" Clare pulls Sam to the house.

"No kissing, I'm watching you" Sam says trying to resist Clare.

I roll my eyes, then turn to Noah, "what were you thinking, Sam's a cop, he could have arrested you"

"I think the biggest possibility was of him killing me" Noah say, more nonchalantly.

I shove him lightly, "it's not funny, you idiot. You scared me half to death, I thought you were some kidnapper trying to take me again."

His smile drops "oh, I'm sorry, I guess I wasn't thinking. I mean I saw it in a movie once and thought you might think it was funny, or even possibly cute." He looks down at his foot making circles in the dirt.

"It's okay," I look over my shoulder at the house and see Sam in the living room window, tapping his wrist. I laugh "he can be so annoying sometimes."

"He's your dad, he loves you" Noah say casually.

"What?" I say surprised at his words.

"Kaison, come on admit it, you know you think of him as your father, there's nothing wrong with it either, you just have two sets of parents." Noah tells me.

"You know we're not in the park, right?" I tell him.

"Yeah, but I do house calls for my favorite patients?" he half grins.

"Kaison it's been five minutes" Sam calls from the door way.

I sigh, "I got to go."

"Yeah, I got to run too, literally, after I do this Sam's going to chase me at least half the block" Noah says.

"Do wha-" I'm interrupted by Noah's lips on mine, throwing me off completely.

"See you at school, bye" he yells sprinting off. He was wrong though, Sam chased him at least two blocks.

I walk inside smiling, "well that ended unexpectedly" Clare says when I come in.

"Yeah" I say smiling like a goof.

"Come on its time for bed, you have school tomorrow" she says walking me upstairs.

I sigh, "alright" the smile never leaving my face.


The next morning we're all sitting in the dining room eating breakfast before school, and Sam just kind of looks at me. He's been doing it this entire time and it's making me feel uncomfortable "Sam, will you stop, it's not that big of a deal" Clare says, making him finally stop.

"It is a big deal, they did it right in front of me too" he tells her, defending his side.

"Who did what in front of daddy, mommy?" Chase says with gravy all over his face.

"Nothing sweetie" Clare tells him, while wiping his face off with a hand towel.

"It was more than nothing" Sam grumbles crossing his arms.

"It was a two second kiss, you act like we we're making out" I tell him, getting annoyed by this conversation.

"You what? I'll kill him," Archer says standing up. "he can't just still my little sisters' innocence like that."

"Archer it was a kiss, not... " I cut my self-off remembering K.C. and Chase in the room.

"Kaison and Noah, sitting in a tree, K. I. S. S. I. N. G" K.C. starts singing.

I roll my eyes, "K.C. knock it off, and you and chase go get your back packs," Clare says "Kaison you too, we're about to leave for school soon."

"Alright" I get up and grab my back pack from my room, that's when I notice it. A missing person flyer taped to the outside of my window. 'Carson haze' it's of the girl who went missing a couple days ago.

"SAM!" I scream and in a matter of seconds him and Archer are there.

"what, what happened" he says frantically.

"That wasn't there this morning, someone put it there while we were eating breakfast, th, they waited until I left the room and then put it there" I'm freaking out.

"Alright don't worry, I'll take care of it you just go down stairs and Clare will take you to school, don't worry, you'll be fine." he hugs me before I leave the room, after I'm out I hear him talk to Archer, "want to help me hook up security system?"

I go down stairs to meet Clare, she looks at me concerned "are you okay?" I just nod, and we go out to the car.

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