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"Kaison are you coming over tonight?" Mikey calls out to me as we separate to go in to our houses.

"Yeah let me just drop my stuff off inside" I yell out to him.

"Okay I'll wait" he says smirking, because ever since that day, when he said it the first time, it now has new meaning, it has become a promise, and I know he means it.

I smile "I know" I say quietly to myself before walking in.


I run out of the house; I just need to think. I don't really know where I'm going, I just have to leave. "Kaison what's wrong?" I hear Mikey call out, and my heart clenches I know he can make it better, he always knows what to say to make me feel better. I turn around and I'm about to run to him, but something stops me. Then all of a sudden there's a bright flash and everything fades out. "Mikey!" is the last thing I scream.

I bolt up and look around remembering where I am, it's still dark outside and the numbers on Noah's clock say it's only five in the morning. Noah wakes up next to me "Kaison, what's wrong?"

"Uh, nothing just a bad dream" I shrug it off and lay back down, snuggling back into him like I was before, he puts his arm around me and we fall back to sleep. Noah's alarm clock goes off at six thirty but he just unplugs it and rolls back over. I expected to sleep another hour, but only manage a couple minutes, due to the door flying open and Archer announcing "Noah your mom sent me to wake, dude that's my sister!" me and Noah both sit straight up in the bed.

Archer just gives us an evil grin, "don't even think about it" Noah says to Archer. At the same time, I say "Archer I swear if you" I never finished my sentence.

"Mom, Mrs. C, you should come see this!" Archer yells loud enough that I'm pretty sure the neighbors can hear him.

It's only a couple seconds before they both appear, "archer how many times have I told you about yelling in other people's houses" I hear his mom say coming down the hallway, she stops in the doorway along with Mrs. Colleens.

"Kaison, everyone's been looking for you all-night." Archers mom says first, a look of shock on her face, "their worried."

"Noah would you like to explain what's going on," Mrs. Colleens says with her arms crossed and that parental glare I recognize from all the times Mikey got in trouble. When Noah didn't say anything, she turns her gaze onto me "Kaison?"

"Oooo, you're In trouble" Archer says childishly.

"Archer, "his mother gets on to him "go take a shower, you smell" she tells him, and he makes the same face Chace does when Clare tells him it's time to turn off the TV, I would have laughed but Mrs. colleens, made me rethink that idea.

"Since neither one of you want to talk, Noah get ready for school, Kaison follow me, I'm calling your parents" I get out of the bed and follow her, but not before mumbling "which ones?"

"All of them," Mrs. colleens says as we walk down the stairs. "Sit" she points to a stool in front of the island, when we enter the kitchen. She puts a plate with eggs, bacon, and toast in front of me and nods at me to eat while she pulls out her Phone. I do as she tells me, because if I'm being honest, she kind of scares me.

"Hello," she says after a second "she's here.... Yeah Archer found her sleeping in Noah's room.... I don't know why she was there; they won't tell me anything...," I don't know who she's talking to, but all I do know is that I'm going to be in so much trouble.

"Nothing happened, I needed someone to talk to, and I fell asleep" I tell her not making eye contact, playing with the eggs on my plate.

"She says nothing you will not break his skinny little legs if something did, I'm his mother I will handle the breaking of the legs.... Okay I'll tell her... Alright, bye see you soon." I expect her to say that was my dad and that he's really disappointed in me, but I don't expect what she says next. "That was Sam and he told me to tell you that your grounded until your thirty, and that he loves you and will be here soon."

"Wait why'd you call Sam first?" did he really say he loved me?

"Because he's the one who has fifteen officers out looking for you," she tells me, smirking at my shocked face. She then sighs "Kaison, next time you need to talk to Noah please use the door, that trees dangerous, Mikey broke his arm that time he fell out trying to see you" she tells me and the mood shifts.

"How long did he wait?" I ask after a moment of silence.

"The rest of his life" she tells me with a sad smile.

"I wish he would have found someone, someone that would have made him happy" I tell her.

"You were the only person that did," she paused for a moment before adding "well you and Noah." I smile at that, remembering how excited Mikey was when he found out he was having a baby brother.

Then all of a sudden, the front door burst open and Sam comes running in "Kaison," he says while hugging me "I'm so glad your safe."

"Sam, I can't breathe" I squeeze the words out due to how tight he's hugging me.

"Oh, sorry," he holds me at arm's length by my shoulders, "do you know how worried we were? I was out looking for you all-night" when he says this, I finally take In His appearance, he looks horrible, you can tell he hasn't slept all night.

"I'm sorry" I feel horrible for doing this to him "it's just after I heard that story, I couldn't do it, I just had to leave. I didn't mean to make you worry so much."

"I'm just glad you're okay" I smile when he says this and hug him again. Noah comes down stairs and Sam turns "you," he points at Noah "if you even looked at her wrong, I'll arrest you" Noah puts his hands up in surrender.

"Nothing happened I promise" I told Sam.

"Remember a couple days ago when I tried to have that sex talk," I nod, a little confused at first on where he was going with this. "Well we are so having that conversation when we get home."

My cheeks heat up, embarrassed that he just said that in front of Noah. "Can I be a part of that conversation, I feel the need to inform my little sister that dating her brothers' best friend is a huge no-no" Archer says coming down stairs, in a pair of jeans and putting his shirt on.

"Nothing happened!" I exclaim.

"I believe you, and nothing will happen as far as I'm concerned" Archer says smirking, and Noah hits him on the arm.

"Can you just take me home and punish me already" I grumble.

"The sex talk is your punishment, but I changed my mind I think I should give it to you here. " Sam says, looking better than earlier, it's like he's getting energy from torturing me.

"I agree," Mrs. colleens says from behind me. "Noah, you can listen too, go ahead you two can sit on the couch together."

"I've already had the sex talk and besides I don't want to be late for school" Noah says, trying to avoid the awkward situation.

"Don't worry, I'll write you a note" Sam says, and Noah reluctantly sits on the sofa.

"Alright so where should we begin" Sam say clapping his hands together and then rubbing them, reminding me of the evil villains in a super hero movie. I lean back and groan, causing him to show off his evil smile that seems to match archers as they both stand in front of us. This is going to be a long morning.

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