this isn't you

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"What class do you have?" he asks as soon as I get there, I start spinning the lock, entering in my combination and opening it before looking at him.

"Algebra, why" I say skeptically, not trusting the smirk on his face, he's definitely up to something.

"Me too, and I hate math, let's skip" he says easily, like he does it often, which he probably does.

"I don't think so" I say closing my locker after grabbing a note book.

"Come on, I'll introduce you to my friends" he begs me.

Well I was told to make friends my age, so I guess it wouldn't be so bad, "okay" I agree even though I have a bad feeling about this, I put my note book back into my locker.

"Great, now let's go before old man Gibbs catches us" he grabs my hand as soon as I get my locker shut again. He leads me out the back door under the stairs, so that the security cameras can't see us. I can't believe old man Gibbs is still working here, I'm pretty sure he's like ninety. He takes me to an open lot behind a line of trees separating us from the school. When I went here originally, there was tree's here, I guess they cut them down.

There are about six other kids here, four boys and two girls. I notice that some of the guys are drinking. Which seems risky since we're still technically on school grounds. "Hey Noah, who's the chick?" One of the guys asks, he has black hair, seaweed green eyes, and olive skin.

"Hunter, girls don't like it when you call them chick's, or talk about them in front of them as if there not there" another guy says. This one looks almost identical to Hunter but he's taller and has blue eyes. He looks at me, "ignore my little brother, he's not used to talking to girls, what's your name?"

"Kaison" I reply at the same time Hunter says "I am too use to talking to girls!" They both then start arguing, which leads to them wrestling on the ground.

A girl steps up "ignore them," she rolls her eyes, "they suffer from severe idiocy. I'm Alice​" she says offering her hand.

I shake her hand "Kaison."

She smiles and then points at the two guys on the ground "those two idiots are Hunter and Jacob, the smaller ones Hunter and the bigger one is Jacob. They also happen to be my brothers." When she says this, I start to see the resemblance in her black hair, greenish blue eyes, and olive colored skin.

The other girl walks up to us "hi, I'm Jess" she says with a pleasant smile. I smile back and say hi as well.

Noah has already left my side to talk to the two other guys in the group. "That's David," Alice says pointing to a tall guy with choppy brown hair. "And that's Aaron" she says pointing to the last guy, he has bleach blond hair, styled in a way that gives off a surfer look.

"But we usually call him Cal, since his last name is Calvin" Jess adds.

I nod "Do you guys skip class often?" wondering if that has to be a requirement to be friends with them or not.

"No, not usually all at once, Noah does though, he hate's math, that's probably why he has to take ninth grade math again" Jess says casually.

"Wait, what grade is he in?" I ask curiously.

"Eleventh, just like Jacob and me" Alice says.

"What grade are you in?" Jess asks.

"ninth" I reply.

She smiles "cool, that's the grade me and Cal's in too." Well at least I'm not the youngest, which is weird to think about since I was technically born before any of them.

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