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I tap my leg nervously while waiting on the bench outside of the closed medical office. Scott gave everyone at his clinic the day off so he could run the test on me. "Kaison just relax it'll be fine" Clare says from beside me.

I smile "I'm just worried, I mean what do you think the results are going to say" Scott had already taken some blood and other samples, he only did the ones that he could get the results today, not wanting to risk anything by sending them in to a lab. He's running test on them now, but I needed some air so Clare took me out side.

"I don't know but you'll be fine, I promise" she puts her hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks, your good at that you know" I tell her.

"At what?" she asks, confused as to what I'm talking about.

I'm about to answer but then Scott walks out. "I tell you later," I say while getting up.

"They're ready," he says as we follow him back in.

Clare clears her throat "so what do they say?" I play with my fingers nervously as we wait for him to respond.

"That Kaison is a normal healthy fifteen-year-old, well health wise, the fact that she's fifteen probably isn't normal, but the results indicate nothing's wrong" he says.

"Well thank you for doing this then" Clare smiles, extending her hand out to shake his.

He shakes her hand "No problem, and I did some "research", you know the way I do," he makes air quotes "and I got a hold of Kaison's information about before she went missing. Well the DNA results that the police had, were pretty interesting."

"Interesting how?" I look at him skeptical.

"Well it showed that your DNA was deteriorating at a rapid rate, but it's completely healthy now"

"So, what are you saying, that I was dying before?" I look at him, trying to gauge rather or not we can really trust him.

"No, well, " he looks uncomfortable "maybe."

"Why does everything have to be so messed up" I mumble too myself. "Can't it all just make since."

"Well thank you for doing this" Clare gives him a hug, Which I noticed he seemed to enjoy more than he should.

"No problem, we're still on for coffee next week?" he asks hopefully, and I can tell that he still likes her.

"yeah, see you then" she says before leading me out, I wonder if she knows how he feels.

"see you then" he calls out as we leave the building.

Once we're in the car Clare turns to me "look it doesn't matter about what your DNA said back then, it only matters what it says now."

"I know" I tell her, not really worrying too much about it.

"Are you ready?" she asks starting the car.

"No" we had planned to go over to Noah's house after the doctor's appointment, he's not there but that's where my dad's staying and we're going to see him. So, I can tell him I'm not going to leave with him.

"Well you have to tell him, I'll be with you the entire time, it'll be fine" she smiles gently at me.

"You're doing it again" I tell her.

"Doing what?" she asks confused.

"That thing where you make me feel better about something, it's like a mom thing. K.C. and chase are lucky to have you as theirs" I tell her and she smiles.

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