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After my vision clears, I look around to see that I'm in what looks to be a white conference room. With a white oval table in the center and about thirteen chairs centered around it. The two women and man are still in front of me. "please have a seat" he gestures to one of the many chairs.

I sit down, "so the information?" I look at him expectantly.

"In just a moment, we are waiting on your mother" he replies calmly.

I look at him confused, "What?" but he just ignores me, taking a seat at the head of the table and the two women flank the sides of him.

After a few minutes of them murmuring to them self's a door opens and a woman walks in. "Blake?" I say even more confused.

The woman laughs lightly, "no, but we do look alike I imagine. I'm Emery, your mother, and Blake's mother and Carson's as well, it all very complicated and simple at the same time."

None of this is making since "can you guys just give me the information already" I say impatiently, and the woman, Emery, laughs once again.

"Your very impatient, but yes, let's start with who we are." she says at the same time nine other people walk into the room and take a seat.

Emery remains standing in front of me, seeing as how there are no more seats. "Our people are known as the Ry-Vonnians, we come from a planet many Galaxy's away, a planet that no longer exists," a sad look comes over her face. "unfortunately, there was a war, and our home planet was destroyed. Before almost all of our people were wiped out, me and my twelve siblings were able to escape. This was probably about two hundred years ago, we needed to keep our race alive but unfortunately due to a disease that ravished our home planet, we are unable to reproduce. So, we started cloning ourselves, the first couple trials didn't go well, and we discovered that we needed two sets of DNA to successfully create another life. Upon learning this we had discovered earth as well, and after some manipulation we were able to combine human DNA with ours. That is how you were created, you are my clone, or as I like to think of it, my daughter."

"Wait, Blake said you were dead, and she also said a lot of other things as well" I tell her confused.

She sighs and glares over at one of the men sitting down, and he sends back a sheepish grin, while another man sitting next to him looks down ashamed, and a woman also next to them, does everything but look in our direction. "You see, we usually have the meeting in groups of three, like how you were met earlier. When it was Blake's time to be met with, two of my brothers and one of my sisters were sent, and for some reason they thought it would be funny if they gave her the wrong information, unfortunately no matter how many times we try to correct it, her mental illness just won't let us" she explains to me and I nod my head in understanding.

"Okay, ... But if we're your children, then why do you give us away, then take us back, and then leave us again?" I ask curious.

"Because we're not human, we can't last too long on earth, so we live here, in the time zone, but in the time zone, no one ages, so it would be impossible to raise a child here. The reason we had to take you back is because our DNA and the human DNA start clashing and one takes over completely, this makes the child very sick to the point of death. Human doctors don't know how to take care of it and it's very dangerous, because their medicines could be deadly to you. It takes a total of seventeen years for the process to complete, and if the child asks to be returned once the process is done, then we take them back," she tells me.

"How come I don't remember?" I look at her just now wondering this.

"We normally take away the memory's before returning the children, so that they can go back to the world as a child still, and not have the memory's and experience of nearly two decades but the bodies of a child" she explains and my next question comes to mind.

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