truth comes out

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It took us four hours to get there because one of the main roads was closed due to an accident. We finally arrived at the "oak Groves" mental hospital around one. As we pull up, I notice how beautiful it is on the outside. It almost looks like one of those fancy hotels, I'm kind of nervous though, I might finally get some answers, but what happens when I find out the truth.

Mrs. Haze turns around in her seat to face me. "are you ready for this," I nod. "Okay, remember your Kaison Ramsey, and we're your adoptive parents, we're here to see you birth mother" she finishes and I nod once again.

"Oh um, here you might need this, just in case they ask" Mr. haze says handing me a fake school ID with a picture of Carson I'm guessing, and the name Kaison Ramsey printed on it. I guess they don't want anyone recognizing their last name and making the connection to Carson's disappearance.

"Thanks, but what if they ask for proof that Blake's my mother" I ask, wondering if they've thought about that.

"That's why I payed a guy a lot of money to make some fake adoption forms and birth certificates" Mr. Haze says, parking the car, they really are doing everything they can to get Carson back.

We get out and head to the entrance of the building, when we get inside, we stop at the security desk, "are you here to visit someone?" the security guard asks.

"Yes, we were informed that Blake Marshal is here, and our daughter was hoping to meet her. You see Blake is Kaison's birth mother" Mrs. haze explains.

"Do you have paper work showing relation?" the guard asks, "and something saying that it's alright for her to meet with Blake."

"Yes, right here" Mr. haze says, pulling out the papers he mentioned in the car just moments ago.

"Alright, I'll need to see that and some form of ID," we hand him everything and he looks over it. "okay, I'll have a nurse take you to the visitation room, I hope everything goes well" he says before pressing a button and talking into an intercom.

A few minutes later a nurse shows up and directs us where to go. We enter a room with lots of seats and tables. There are a few other patients in the room meeting with family members. She leads us to a woman sat at a table in the corner, and without having to be told I know it's her just from the fact that she looks like an older version of me. I walk over and sit down across from her, "Blake?" she looks at me.

"Hello, Kaison" she says looking me directly in the eyes, she's wearing a white t-shirt, white cotton pants and a long black cardigan.

"H, how do you know my name?" I ask curious.

"Well for one, I was there the day you went missing, and two, our birthday wasn't that long ago, so it had to be you, the other double should have gone missing by now" she tells me, the ways she talks so calmly and calculated about all of this, creeps me out.

Mrs. Haze looks ready to cry but she composes herself and asks "do you know how to get her back."

Blake ignores her, "so did you get my messages?"

I look at her confused, "what messages?"

"The ones I sent you, you know the article, and the flyer" she tells me, giving me a look as if I'm the crazy one.

"You did that, how?" I ask, thinking back to how Mrs. Haze did mention that she was only placed here a couple days ago.

"I've been watching you; I was going to approach you when they found me again" she whispers and I start to wonder if she can actually tell me anything or if she's just mentally ill.

"Do you know how scared I was, I thought it was the people who took me, I thought they were taunting me, that they were coming back for me." I tell her, shocked that she doesn't even seemed bothered.

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