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It's about seven when we pull up to my house. "do I have to go in?" I ask from the backseat, nervously.

Mr. haze sighs, "come on, we'll walk you" we all get out of the car.

As we're walking up the steps to the porch, the door fly's open to reveal a very angry looking Sam. "Room, now" is all he says and I put my head down and quickly rush past him and up to my room.

A few minutes later I hear the Hazes car leaving, and I sigh because I know it won't be long. After ten more minutes pass, I get worried. Then finally "Kaison" I get up and slowly walk down the stairs. When I get down there, I find everyone in the dining room, "dinner's done, sit down" Clare says almost as if nothing happened.

I cautiously take a seat, in between Chase and Clare. We all begin to eat and K.C. tells everyone about how she beat Myra at candy land four times. Then chase starts to tell everyone about the toy car he found buried in the back yard, when I interrupt him. "Are you going to yell at me or not?" I say loudly, startling K.C. and chase.

"Kaison, please don't yell at the table" Clare says not even acknowledging my question.

"Just please can we get it over with" I ask, much quieter this time.

Sam sighs, "K.C., Chase, can you two go upstairs for a minute, we'll have ice cream when you come back down."

"okay, come on Chase" K.C. says walking to the stairs.

Chase walks over to Sam first "don't yell at her too much, she's my friend."

"I won't buddy, now go upstairs" Sam tells him and Chase does as told.

Now they're both looking at me, "Kaison, we are very disappointed in you, we trusted you and you used that, not only did you use that but you also used your brother and the Hazes, I just can't believe you would throw our trust away so easily" Sam says.

"But it wasn't easy, I felt really bad about lying, it's just Blake had answers, and I really needed those answers, I'm really, really sorry" I tell them.

"Kaison, you're always sorry, but yet you still do the things you know you're not supposed to do. You can't just do something and then say sorry thinking that, it's going to make everything okay" Clare says.

"I know," I look down, "urgh, I swear it's like all I do is mess up and disappoint people."

"Kaison, you might mess up a lot, but it's how you make it up that depends on if you disappoint us." Clare tells me, neither one of them have yelled at me and that makes me feel even worse.

"we've decided that for your punishment, since grounding doesn't work. Then maybe we would try hard work. My mom needs some work on her yard done, so this weekend you're going to help her" Sam tells me.

I smile "really, that's it?" I ask and they nod.

"Well that and some other stuff" Clare says.


It turned out to be a lot harder than I thought it would be. It took us four hours to pull all the weeds in her yard, then it took another two hours to mow both the front and back yard. After that she wanted me to rake all the grass up. Then I found out that the 'something else' was helping her rearrange all of her furniture. By the end of the day I was exhausted and laying on the floor. "I don't think I'm ever going to lie or manipulate people again" I say panting.

Sam's mother chuckles, "you say that now, but in about a week or two, when there's going to be something you want."

"The sad thing is, you're probably right" I tell her holding myself up on my elbows.

"I know, I always am. Now come on, why don't you go take a shower before dinner" she says and I get up.

"Alright" I head towards the upstairs bathroom while she goes down stairs. I'm staying over since I'm supposed to help her today and tomorrow. Sam and Clare are hoping that it will teach me a lesson, but the only thing I learned is that I really don't like manual labor.

In the last couple of days, I've been thinking a lot about what Blake told me, and I think I want to meet with the people who took me, but I have to wait until after Sam's mother goes to sleep. After dinner we get ready for bed and Sam's mother comes and says goodnight. After she leaves, I pull out a piece of paper and begin writing a note.

Dear Clare, I'm really sorry for disappointing you again, but this is something I have to do. I don't know how long I'll be gone; in fact, I might even be back before you read this note. I need answers though, and I feel as if there was something Blake wasn't telling me, something that is crucial to everything. I'm really sorry for putting you through all of this. I hope you don't worry too much; I'll be back as soon as I can.

~love Kaison...

I finish and place the note on the desk, before quietly walking down stairs and leaving the house. It's ten o'clock which means I have a couple hours to get there. It's weird though, even though it's dark out and I barely remember where I woke up, I just know where to go, Like it's calling to me. After walking for about two hours I finally reach the place I was looking for.

When I get there, I notice that there are three people with matching eyes, waiting for me. "Kaison you made it" a man says stepping forward.

"We've been expecting you" a woman says standing next to him.

"You're the ones that took me?" I ask, not quite sure if I made the right decision, by coming.

"Yes, and now you have some questions for us" the man says.

"yes, yeah, um, why? Why did you go through the whole process of putting me here just to take me away for seventeen years and then bring me back?" I demand.

"we know that you have visited your sister, don't you believe what she has told you" he asks me.

"Blake? She's not my sister and I know that she's a little paranoid, and not all together there," I tell them.

The man nods, "well you're not wrong there."

"She's different" the woman whispers, "I think the serums still affecting her memory, but not as bad as we thought."

"Yes, your right" the other woman who hadn't spoken yet murmurs in agreement; they're having a side conversation.

"If you truly want those answers then I suggest you come with us" the man says.

"Where?" I ask, and weirdly I'm not afraid of them like I thought I would be.

"To the time zone, and don't worry, we'll bring you back sooner than what it took last time" he tells me, and I wonder if that was supposed to be a joke.

"If I go with you, will I get my answers?" I ask, looking between all three of them.

"Yes, now are you coming?" he responds, seeming impatient.

I think about it for a second, I let out a sigh, Clare is going to kill me. "Yes" and with that he flicks his hand up and there's a flash of bright light.

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