please just go

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"Kaison" Clare say pained.

"No," I look at all of them "the whole reason I ended up going missing the first time was because you cheated on mom," I yell at my father, " but now I know that you did way more than that. Did you even look for me, or did you just go off with your new family and never even thought about me again" I yell at him.

"Kaison" my father starts "of course I looked for you." He looks hurt, but I'm not buying it, for one bit.

"Yeah I bet you did" I say with no emotion before turning and running upstairs to my room.

A few minutes later there's a knock on my door. "Kaison," I hear Clare say through the door "I'm sorry, I just thought that after finding out about all the other stuff, maybe it would be better if I waited to tell you," I don't say anything, I just sit there. "He left by the way, but he's coming back tomorrow," she pauses "and he's bringing your brother." A few more minutes go by of me not saying anything, "Kaison please, I really am sorry" she says desperately, which makes me feel bad, but she was keeping things from me.

"Can I try?" I hear Sam ask, which is a relief, because I feel like I was about to give in.

"Sure" Clare says followed by the sound of someone going down stairs, I'm assuming it was her.

"So, I know your grounded and all, but I was wondering if you would like to come with me and K.C. to get some ice cream, and I thought it might give you time to think" he says from the other side.

I stand up and open the door, he smiles when he sees me. "Did you know too?" I look at him, feeling hurt and betrayed.

His smile drops, "yes, but I thought you did too, Clare never told me you didn't know, I wouldn't have kept something like that from you" the look in his eyes lets me know he's telling the truth.

I smile at him, "then let's go get ice cream."


"K.C. don't go far," Sam yells as she runs off to the play area in the McDonald's we're at. Since there wasn't a place that served ice cream after five in our small town, we had to drive all the way over to the closest town with a McDonald's. I take my ice cream and sit at a table, Sam follows. "So, do you want to talk?"

"Not really" I say uncomfortably, starting to eat my Ice Cream.

"Are you sure, I mean I can't even imagine what the last couple of weeks have been like for you" he says earnestly.

"They've been hard, but at least I'm getting better at how I handle things, I didn't run away this time" I give him a small smile, trying to lighten the mood and change the subject.

"You didn't, and I'm very proud of you" he smiles back.

"You are?" I say surprised, not very many people in my life have said that to me before.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be" he says still giving me an honest smile.

"No reason," I've just realized how neither of my parents have ever actually said they were proud of me. "Thanks."

"For what?" He looks confused.

"For making me feel better" I tell him, shrugging.

"Well your welcome," he looks down at his watch "but we better get going, you and K.C. have school tomorrow." I nod and he calls for K.C. to come back so that we can leave.


It's the next day, and I'm sitting on the front steps of the school, waiting for either Noah or Jess. I woke up early so that Sam could give me a ride to school, I'm still not talking to Clare. I'm thinking about how I'm going to going to avoid my father and my newly discovered brother, later, when a blond guy walks up to me, "Kaison right?"

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