plan in action

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The next day I show up to school, looking for Noah, because I'm hoping he'll help me with my plan. Clare just left for her class room and I'm hanging out with Jess and Alice in the court yard before class, waiting for Noah to show up. "So, you and Noah" Jess says wiggling her eyebrows.

I laugh and lightly shove her, "what about it?" I say pretending to not know anything.

"Well, are you guys dating or not" Alice exclaims.

I laugh, and before I can respond Noah sits down and throws his arm around me, "of course we are." He tells them with his cocky grin.

"I knew it, you owe me twenty bucks" Jess says to Alice.

"Hey you bet on us" I say, jokingly offended, but I'm actually amused, for once in the last couple weeks I feel normal.

"Yep, and because of it I am now a whole twenty Bucks richer" Jess says and I roll my eyes, before turning to Noah.

"Hey, can we talk?" I ask, giving him a look to let him know it's something serious, Alice and Jess both share a look, and Jess turns around and pretends to be making out with someone.

I roll my eyes at their teasing, "Yeah, sure. Bye guys" Noah says getting up and walking with me to a nearby tree.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" he takes my hands and looks at me, I tell him about what happened last night, "wow, and Clare really won't let you go?" he says.

I shake my head "nope, but I have a plan."

"You know when you get that look in your eye, it's kind of concerns me, because Archer gets the same look right before he comes up with something that ultimately gets us in trouble." Noah says looking nervous.

I roll my eyes, laughing lightly, before telling him my plan "Well I plan on calling the Haze's and telling them Clare gave me permission, then having them meet me somewhere to pick me up, the only problem is, Clare and Sam are going to notice I'm gone, so I figured I would just tell them I'm hanging out with Archer, but Archer can't know he's my alibi and you can't be with Archer at the time because then Clare will think the only reason I'm with Archer is to be around you."

"So, you want me to keep archer distracted without distracting him? yep I definitely see a grounding in my future" he says dramatically.

"Stop being over dramatic, the only person that could get in trouble is me, now do you know away to keep archer distracted or not?" I tell him.

He glances over to Alice and Jess, "yeah I might."


So, it turned out that Archer had a thing for Alice, and Alice kind of had a crush on Archer. So, the following Wednesday, when there was no school, do to parent teacher conferences, I had convinced Clare to let me spend the day with Archer, at first, she said no, but when she learned that Noah had detention all day to make up for some of the days he missed, she agreed. The rest of the week was the same at school, people were still talking about me and coming up with their own theory's, and the weekend went by like normal, no messages from my mysterious stalker. My father, Wren, and Archer came over for dinner Saturday, since they're leaving next sunday. Noah tried to visit me but Sam wouldn't let him in, and K.C., Chase, and I spent time together in the backyard.

I had also told Alice to meet me on Wednesday, so we could hang out. The plan was to get Archer and Alice together, then to make an excuse and leave. Since the theater was having a horror marathon, I had convinced Alice to meet me there, and that was where me and archer were going to spend time together.

Right now, Sam is dropping me and archer off at the movies. "remember, Clare has parent teacher conference until five, and I get home at six, so Myra is babysitting, she already knows that the movie marathon ends at four, so She's expecting you their shortly after" Sam reminds me.

"Alright got it" I say getting out of the backseat.

"Thanks for the lift, Sam" Archer gets out too.

"No problem, have fun" Sam waves before driving off.

"How cool was that, we got to ride in a police car" Archer says excitedly.

I laugh, him and Chase remind me a lot of each other, "you're such a dork."

He gasps, "I am offended that you would even call me such a name" I laugh again.

I'm about to respond but before I can Alice comes out of nowhere and screams "Archer!" while jumping onto him and hugging him. Yeah, she kind of has a crush on him.

"Hey Alice" Archer says hugging her back and looking all flushed.

I laugh at that at how embarrassed and flustered he seemed to get when she showed up. "You know why don't you guys go hang out and watch the marathon together, and I'll just go find something else to do" I suggest.

Alice looks like she doesn't mind, but Archer gives me this weird look. "Kaison, you're up to something, I can tell because you have that same look I have right before I do something stupid." His big brother side taking over.

I scoff, "why does everyone keep saying that, maybe I just want my favorite big brother and one of my good friends to hang out together" I defend.

Alice looks at us confused, "wait, archers your brother?"

"Yeah, it's complicated" I tell her.

"Kaison, just tell me what's actually going on" he says seriously, unlike his usual childlike personality.

I sigh, "fine, I wanted to hang out with Noah today, but since I'm grounded, I needed an excuse to get out of the house" I tell him.

"And I'm your excuse" he says looking kind of hurt, which makes me feel bad. He then covers it up with a smile, "Kais, you could have just told me, you didn't have to trick us."

I look down, "sorry, I just wasn't sure if you would agree or not."

"It's okay, go have fun with Noah, but if you get caught, I had nothing to do with this" he says.

I look up and smile, "thanks Archer" I say hugging him.

He smirks "no problem, you just owe me."

I roll my eyes, before seeing the time on the banks digital sign, "oh, I got to go, have fun, bye" I yell before running off.

A couple days ago, I had borrowed Noah's phone to call the Hazes, I told them that Clare changed her mind and that they could pick me up at the park. They agreed to meet me there at nine.

It's eight-fifty-eight, right now. When I get to the park, I notice they're already waiting. "Kaison, you made it, we were scared you might have changed your mind" Mr. Haze says as I approach them.

"Nope, I am ready to do this, one hundred percent" I tell them.

"Alright then let's go, it's a three-hour drive after all" he says opening the back door for me.

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