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After dropping the younger ones off at school, Clare drives to the high school, the whole time neither of us talking. She parks the car and I reach for the door handle, but before I can get out, she touches my arm. "Kai, what happened upstairs?" her eyes full of concern.

I shift nervously, "there was a missing person flyer for Carson Haze taped to my window."

Clare looks a mixture of shocked, angry, and concerned "don't worry, Sam will keep you safe and stop whoever it is doing this, I promise." I nod my head, "alright now let's go before both of us end up late."

We go our separate ways once we get out of the car, Clare heads to her class room and I head toward the benches in the court yard in front of the school. After a couple minutes of sitting I realize people keep looking at me. That's when Jess sits down with Alice. "hey" they both say almost in union.

"Hey," I look at them "do you guys know why everyone keeps staring at me?"

"Maybe it's because you look exactly like the missing girl in the news" Jess says as if it's not a big deal.

"What? no I don't" I say shocked, with everything going on I completely forgot that people would notice the resemblance between me and Carson Haze.

"It's okay, Noah told us why" Alice says in the same manner that Jess did.

"Oh, he did?" What did Noah tell them?

"Yeah, he told us how she's like your second or third cousin or something" Jess tells me.

"Oh" I say still surprised, and slightly relieved.

"So, were you guys close?" Alice looks at me like she's been dying to ask me this question for days.

"No, I've never met her" I tell them which isn't lying.

"So, are you concerned that you might get kidnapped too?" Jess asks and Alice slaps her on the arm.

"What?" this whole conversation is making me nervous.

"You know, because Kaison Knighthood went missing seventeen years ago, and now Carson is missing and you all three look exactly alike" Jess explains rubbing her arm and glaring at Alice.

"Hey" Noah says running up with a smile on his face when his eyes meet mine. I'm so glad that he showed up, so that I can avoid the rest of this conversation.

"Oh my god what happened to your face?" is the first thing that comes out when I see his black eye "did Sam do this to you?"

He frowns and rubs the back of his neck "I may of sort of, kind of, ran into a pole while he was chasing me"

Without meaning to I start laughing, and Alice and Jess join in. After our laughter dies down Alice looks at Noah "why was Sam chasing you?"

"Because me and Kaison are dating now" he says with a triumphant smile on his face while throwing is arm over my shoulder.

I push his arm off me "that's not what happened, you kissed me and then ran off, nowhere in that moment did you ask me to go out with you" I tell him and both Jess and Alice reply with "aw, their such a cute couple."

"Okay then, Kaison will you go out with me?" he says now looking me directly in the eyes.

I shrug, "I'll think about it, and besides," I smirk "you have to ask my father for permission first."

Shock goes over his face before his smirk meets mine "which one?"

I glare at him, "I think you know which one."

"But I've already met him, and none of those times were good, he'll never say yes" he whines like a little kid.

"Well those are the rules, you have to meet him, and ask permission to go out with me, before I can consider it," I tell him.

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