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A girl opens the door, she looks to be at least in her twenty's, and kind of familiar, she has blond hair with brown streaks running through it, brown eyes, and a heart shaped face, but I can't figure out where I know her from. "You must be Kaison, your mother was so worried about you, I have to call her and tell her you're okay" she rush's out before pulling out her phone, which by the way, looks a whole lot different than they did seventeen years ago.

"Wait what?" I ask confused, and slightly in shock of how quick everything just happened.

"Yeah she's been looking for you all afternoon, hold on give me a minute," she says while holding her phone up to her ear. "Yeah she's here.... don't worry about it, I'll make sure she doesn't go anywhere... Yeah... Alright bye... See you soon Mrs. C." She then hangs up. "Alright so where were we, oh yeah, your mom's been looking for you all afternoon, well her and officer Camryn. you know you're lucky to have parents like Mr. And Mrs. Camryn, I've been babysitting for them for years, and they seem like great people, I mean I've-" she had more to say but was interrupted by Chase.

"Myra, I had a bad dream" he yells from upstairs; you can hear the tears in his voice.

She looks at me a little conflicted, "I'll be right back don't go anywhere." She then leaves me in the foyer and runs up the stairs to comfort Chase. A few minutes later she comes back down "let's go to the living room."

I follow her to the living room and sit down on the couch, still not really sure on what's going on. "It must be hard losing your parents and getting adopted, being thrown into a whole new life, but the Camryn's are good people, and if you ever want someone to talk to, I'm here for you. I'm going to college to become a therapist, so I know what I'm doing" she smiles, a everything's going to be alright smile.

I'm so confused and I have no idea what to say to what she just told me so I give her an awkward thanks and just sit there. A few minutes later the door burst open and Clare comes running in followed by a worried officer Camryn, she runs up and hugs me. "Kaison, I'm so glad you came back, please don't ever do that again. I was so worried, I thought it was going to be like last time."

"Sorry, I just needed some time to think" I tell her sheepishly, I didn't even think about how it seemed to her. I mean I guess she has a point, seventeen years ago I ran out of the house upset and didn't come back. Even I noticed the similarities, so I makes complete sense for her mind to go to that same thought.

"I should probably go, see you Friday and I hope everything works out, bye" as she leaves it finally hits me why she looks so familiar, she's the little girl that Clare used to babysit.

"Clare don't you think you should tell her what you've decided" officer Camryn says, standing a few feet away from us.

"I'll get to it Sam, but first I need to talk to her about this" she pulls out the binder made into a scrap book. I look down at it angerly, remembering what's inside it.

"I don't want to talk about that" I tell her, crossing my arms and looking away. Why would she even have something like that, let alone be the one to make it?

"Look I know it's hard for you, but I'm here for you, so please let me be here for you" she pleads, and I sigh, knowing that she is my best friend and the only person I really have to talk to, the only person that as of right now knows what's going on.

I nod "okay let's talk." A look of relief crosses her face when I say this.

"I'll leave you two to talk, and go check on the kids" Sam says before leaving, heading towards the stairs. I'm guessing he realized this was a personal topic.

"This book, I didn't mean for you to see it, in fact I don't even know why I kept it. I made it after you went missing, I was determined to find you and I don't know what happened all those years ago, but your back now and that's all that matters. I can't imagine how seeing your house must have felt, but finding this book was probably too much for you to take in all at once," she tells me with a look of guilt on her face. "I'm so sorry, I'll throw it away."

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