i can't believe this happened

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So, at the moment I am currently tied to a rolling chair with a jump rope, honestly, I can't believe this even happened.


"Here's a phone number to call just in case, and here's" Clare's cut off by Sam.

"They'll be fine, now let's go before we miss the movie" he says running her out the door.

"But" she tries, "but nothing, now come on" he pushes her out the door.

A second later he sticks his head back in "we'll be back around one, if you need anything just call, oh and good luck."

Chase and K.C. look at me "can we go to the park?" K.C. asks.

"Umm... No, Clare said we had to stay in the house, we can watch a movie though" I suggest.

"But we want to go to the park" Chase whines.

"Come on a movie isn't that bad," they both look at me "a board game," I try but they continue to give me the 'are you serious' look. "Come on you guys, I'm already in enough trouble as it is, what about hide and seek?"

K.C. considers it "alright can we have lunch first" she smiles (which now looking back should have been a sign).

"Sure" I go to the kitchen and make them sandwiches with chips and Kool aid. After I set their plates down in front of them, they get up and run out of the kitchen "wait, I just made you lunch, aren't you going to eat it" I yell after them.

"You guys come back," I go to the living room but they're not there. I then go upstairs, when I get up there, I can hear water running. "What are you doing in there?" I say getting closer to the bathroom door.

Before I get to the door it flings open "get her!" K.C. yells while shooting me with a water gun, Chase throws a water balloon at me while pulling a miniature​ wagon behind him. The wagon has more balloons and water bottles in it.

"K.C., Chase stop, or I'm calling your parents" I yell at them heading down the stairs since they can't follow me with the wagon.

"Don't let her get away" K.C. yells before turning to help Chase take the wagon down the stairs, I run into the kitchen for the home phone. It's not there, "looking for this" K.C. says waving it.

"K.C., give me the phone" I ground out between my teeth.

"No!" Chase yells throwing the sandwiches I made for them at me.

"Chase that's a great idea" K.C. tells him then picks up the cups of Kool aid and empties their contents onto me, undoubtedly staining my blue V-neck tee.

"You two are in so much trouble" I yell, before chasing after them. I somehow ended up losing them, and as I'm standing in the living room Chase comes running into me, causing me to fall into the rolling chair behind me. Which in hindsight, I should've found it odd being in the living room.

After I fall into the chair K.C. comes out of nowhere and ties me to it with a jump rope. "You guys untie me" I squirm trying to get out.

"Sorry, this is a hostage take over, we're not going to let you go until you agree to our terms" Chase says, I knew I shouldn't have let them watch that movie earlier this week.

"Fine, I'll take you to the park, just untie me" I tell them, definitely planning on taking revenge the second I get out of this chair.

"Can't, I've only got my Knott tying badge, I haven't learned to undo them yet" K.C. shrugs.

"K.C. I swear when I get out of here" I strain against the ropes.

They both giggle "quick Chase, now that there's no one in charge we can do whatever we want" they both run off.

"Wait come back" I yell after them, this cannot be happening.


"We're home," Sam's voice announces "why is there water on the floor?"

"And what happened to the kitchen" I hear Clare say.

"Clare, Sam, help!" I yell out to them.

They come running into the living room "oh my God, what happened?" Clare asks concerned "and where are the kids?"

"Probably somewhere robbing a bank" I mutter bitterly.

"What?" Clare says confused.

"They did this all because I wouldn't take them to the park" I tell them.

Sam's face looks similar to last night "Chase Oliver Camryn, Kaison Ava Camryn, living room, now!" he yells, and I change my mind, he's definitely scarier than he was last night. Two sets of footsteps come down the stairs, and they come in to the room with their heads down, dragging their feet. "Would you two like to explain what went on today?" Sam asks while Clare cuts the ropes off.

"Well Kaison wouldn't let us go to the park" K.C. starts but is interrupted by Sam.

"So, you thought it would be a good idea to tie her up?" He sounds mad, like really mad, I kind of feel bad for them.

"It was just a game, we were only playing pretend, like in the movie hostage take over" Chase says, while I stand up after being cut out.

"Where did you see the movie 'hostage take over'?" Sam asks at the same time Clare turns to look at me.

"Ha, ha, funny story, remember last week when I watched them for a couple hours." I say nervously.

"When I specifically said that they weren't allowed to watch that movie?" she raises her eyebrows.

"I might have zoned out while you were giving me instructions" I tell her sheepishly.

"Alright so let me get this straight, last week you let them watch a movie about terrorist, and this week they tried to act it out?" Sam says.

"Yeah, that's basically it." I nod.

He runs his hands over his face "okay," he sighs "Chase, K.C., no TV for two weeks, and no going to the park for one. Now apologize to Kaison and then clean up your mess."

"Sorry" they both say in Union before walking to the kitchen.

"Kaison, you can no longer babysit Chase and K.C." he says to me.

"But," I start to protest "yeah okay I see your point" I tell him.

"I'm going to go supervise them" he says before leaving the room.

It's just Clare and me "so, K.C. stands for" I trail off and she understand where I was going with that sentence.

"Yeah," she says, we stare at each other for a little bit longer before we both burst out laughing. "I can't believe they tied you up." She says in between laughs.

"It's not funny" I say while laughing too.

"Oh my God, remember the time I was watching Myra, and she took off down the road in my dad's car" she brings up a memory that for her took place almost eighteen years ago, but for me was just ten months prior.

"Yeah, I remember we were playing hide and seek, and she accidentally released the parking brake," we're both still laughing "your dad was so mad and Myra's parents didn't let you babysit her again for three months."

"Nobody else would babysit her and they ran out of babysitters, they had to bring her back to me" we finish laughing and settle in to a peaceful calm.

"I miss those times" Clare admits sadly.

"Yeah, me too" even though those times were just last week to me.

Before anything else can be said the doorbell rings, Clare goes to open it and I follow her. "I cannot believe we live in the same town and I had to find out from Denise Ranvier that you adopted another child. Samuel, I am your mother, I mean honestly!" Sam comes up behind us as she's ranting.

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