maybe they won't notice

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So, it's Wednesday now, and it also happens to be Noah's first day back after being suspended. This morning before Clare and I went our separate ways, she told me even though she said it was okay for me to be friends with Noah, she still thinks I should seek out other friends instead. To Which I politely reminded her that she didn't 'let' me do anything. She then gave me a look, that said I better watch it and politely reminded me that I could end up riding the bus home instead of her giving me a ride. Then she left for her classroom.

So, after that experience with Clare, I decided to go find Noah. Unfortunately, on my search for him I ended up bumping into someone. Causing both of us to fall to the ground on our butts, scattering our stuff everywhere. "Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going" the guy says quickly, picking up his stuff.

"Neither was I" I tell him, taking part of the blame, while scrambling to collect my belongings.

"Oh no, my paints, I'm really sorry" he says again looking at my shirt that used to be white.

I look down too "paints?" My shirt is covered in green and blue paint, and a little bit of pink, Great.

"I am so sorry" he says again, and I can tell by his face that he truly is, making me feel bad for him a little.

"It's okay maybe no one will notice?" I say to make him feel better.

"You're kidding right?" he looks at me in disbelief. "You look like what happens when you leave a five-year-old alone with paint and they decide to paint the walls" he tells me. Which wasn't wrong, I did share a resemblance to the wall that Chase painted Last week when I left him alone for ten minutes.

I laugh a little bit, "No really, it's not that bad" I lie, this is definitely not going to wash out.

"Really?" He looks at me like I've lost my mind.

We both burst out laughing this time, "no it's horrible, I'm going to have to throw this shirt away" I say, while still laughing.

We both calm down after a minute, and he holds his hand out to help me up "Jeremy, and you?"

"Kaison" I say taking his hand and he pulls me up onto my feet.

"Your new right" he asks and I look at him, he has slightly curly brown hair, but it's a little on the shaggy side. Moss green eyes, a cleft chin and a really dark freckle under his left eye, that is questionably, possibly a mole.

"Sort of, yeah" I nod thinking to myself, if he only knew.

"Well it was nice to meet you, and sorry about your shirt" he begins to pick up more of his stuff.

"No, it's cool, really. I wasn't paying attention either," I say now realizing that there is blue and pink paint in my hair, and they're starting to make purple. "I should probably go get cleaned up" I tell him awkwardly.

His eyes widen a bit, "Oh, yeah, um, well see you later then" he waves as I walk away to find a bathroom.


So, I was able to get some of the paint out, but unfortunately it stained some of my hair, and won't come out of my shirt. As I was walking out of the bathroom, Noah just happens to show up. "Woah, what happened to you" he says laughing.

I roll my eyes, "It's not funny" I growl out.

He puts his hands up in surrender "okay," he says still laughing, I glare at him "so where are you headed?"

"To see if Cla, I mean my mom has something I can wear" I tell him as I head for Clare's classroom.

"Cool I'll walk with you" he says following me.

When we get to her classroom he stops dead in his tracks, "wait, why are we going to algebra?" He asks, a look of complete confusion on his face.

"Think" I tap His head before pointing at the name plate on the wall by the door outside the classroom.

"Wait, Mrs. Camryn is your mom!" His face is so filled with shock that I almost laugh.

"Yep" I say before walking into the room, leaving him out in the hall.

Clare looks up when I come in "Kaison what are...," She trails off "what happened?"

I roll my eyes "I ran into someone carrying paint, do you have something I can wear?" I ask hopefully.

"Unfortunately, no, but I can call Sam and have him run by the house" she says and I can tell she wants to laugh.

"That would be great, when do you think he could get here?" I really hope it won't take long.

"I don't know, some time with in the next hour" she says and I nod.

"Thanks" I say before leaving, after I step outside the classroom, I can hear her laughing. I find Noah still standing by the door "come on, we're going to be late for biology" I pull him by the arm.

"How come you never told me" he looks slightly hurt, by the fact that I never mentioned Clare being the Math teacher, his supposed arch nemesis.

"I thought you would have figured it out" I tell him, I mean we do have the same last name and it's a small town, so I highly doubt there's very many people here with the last name Camryn.

"So, when I asked you to skip algebra, you knew you would get caught?" He asks looking at me funny.

"Yeah so?" I look at him suspiciously, not sure where he's going with this.

"That's awesome," his face breaks out in a huge grin. "I mean it's one thing to do something with the chance of getting in trouble, but to do it knowing you will, and not even care, and to believe I had you pegged for a goody two shoes."

"Why would you assume I was a goody two shoes, you and me got arrested together, after all" I tell him offended, not just that he assumed I was the type of kid to avoid trouble at all cost, but the fact that he used such a lame term to describe me.

"You two got arrested?" Jess says coming out of nowhere, me, her, and Alice have been hanging out together while Noah was suspended.

"Just for trespassing, it's no big deal" I tell her, shrugging it off.

"I thought you were a goody two shoes because on your first day you did the entire biology assignment for the week" he tells me.

"So, I can't be smart and a trouble maker?" I say to him, the biology assignment was just thirty questions and we basically had the entire class time to do it, everyone but Noah did it.

"Well I guess so, but I now realize that your one of us" he says referring to him and his friends.

"Noah, you make it seem like we're always getting in trouble, and hey what happened to your shirt?" Jess asks.

I let out a frustrated grown and Noah laughs. "There was an incident with some paint earlier" I explain, so much for thinking no one would notice.

"Oh, well see you later at lunch, and you can tell me all about it" she says as the bell rings "I can't be late, if I am, I'll get another detention, and my mom will take away my phone" She says before running off in the opposite direction.

I look at Noah "so," he begins "want to skip?"

I lightly shove his shoulder "come on let's get to class."

"You're not even going to consider it," I roll my eyes and begin to walk away. "Are you sure?" he calls out again.

"Completely sure, now come on" I say, prepared to leave him behind.

"Fine, but I can't go to class every day, I have a reputation to uphold" he says catching up to me.

"I'm sure your 'reputation' will be fine" I tell him, laughing at his ridiculousness.

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