Tuesday, December 27th, 2011

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Tuesday, December 27th, 2011

1:16 pm

Dear Diary,

Tipsy peed on my bed! Gosh, I can't believe it. I was so nice to him. I got him food and water and away from Fluffy! And Tipsy pees on my bed.

I feel like crying. Why would he do that? I thought that when you were nice to people they'd be nice to you, too. But what he did wasn't nice! It was mean!

I don't get why I'm so upset about this. I mean, I do understand, but what I'm confused about is why I feel like crying over it. It's probably just my period.

I hate periods.

You know, I'm pretty sure that half of my entries are just me complaining about my periods.

I'm not going to help Tipsy anymore. He's a big, fat jerk! Peeing on people's stuff isn't nice.

Fluffy is such a good dog. He gets so excited when he sees his leash. He's already learned his name! Momma told me that poodles were smart, but Fluffy must be a genius!



1:29 pm

P.S. Only four more days until I see Grandma!

1:30 pm

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