Saturday January 28th 2012

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Saturday, January 28th, 2012

7:49 pm

Dear Diary,

Rebecca and Bailey will be coming over in less than a week. We've been planning this since October, so it's a really big deal. They were supposed to come over yesterday and spend the night, but there was some misunderstandings. So, now they'll be coming over this Friday and spending the night.

The plan (so far) is that Bay-Bay (Bailey) will ride home with me. Rebecca has to go to a birthday party, so that's why she won't be riding with us. I'm not sure where it is, so what time she'll get here will be uncertain. (The birthday girl lives in Indiana, but I don't know anything about said party. I'm pretty sure that she doesn't like me.)

Anyway, so far we've decided to have a Friends marathon. (Mom has a few seasons of it on DVD, and they both really like it, too, so I mean it's kind of like why not?) We're also going to watch the Twilight movies. (Taylor Hotner shirtless. Duh.)

That's all we got.

Mom and I are gonna clean the house tomorrow so that way we'll at least have a portion of it clean when they come over. Hopefully we can start on my room and work our way to hers.

I'm really excited. Rebecca and Bailey have become such amazing friends over the past few months. I actually feel like I've known them almost as long as I've known Jessie-ca. (Jessie-ca is my own special nickname for her. Like it?)

Oh, my stomach is so upset. Maybe I shouldn't have eaten those cheese sticks. (I am lactose intolerant, after all.) I feel like I might have diarrha. I'll ask mom what she thinks I should do.



8:11 pm

P.S. I'll keep you updated on Bailey and Rebecca coming over! Don't worry.

8:12 pm

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