Tuesday, January 3rd, 2012

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Tuesday, January 3rd, 2012

6:33 pm

Dear Diary,

Would you like to know my least favorite month of the year? January. Why? Because I always have the worst time remembering the date in January.

That's actually a pretty valid reason when you think about it.

Well, school was good today. Yeah. Good.

Gosh, I'm pretty sure I've told you this a thousand times, but that still doesn't feel like enough. I. Hate. Josh. Cope. He is an absolute jerk to not only me but Rebecca, too. And I'm just so sick of it. I swear that I'm about to snap! You know how I can't stand people being mean to my friends. Not to mention that he follows Aaron around like a freaking stalker. And Aaron's told him to quit, but he won't. (See? Stalker!) I'm about ready to strangle him.



6:46 pm

P.S. I'm going to kill him.

6:46 pm

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