Saturday, November 12th, 2011

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Saturday, November 12th, 2011

5:25 pm

Dear Diary,

My characters are developing so well! I've been thinking about Princess Phoenix Seraphina (Demon Princess Trilogy), my Riddles Saga, and Izzy from Undeniable. (my The Vampire Diaries fan-fic). I've tried thinking of some for I Never Signed Up For This, My Life's Game, My Dog's Mate, Secrets..., and Rainbow but I've just become so engrossed with the others that I'm having a hard time focusing. (I blame ADHD for now.) I'm also posting this "revised" version of Death is Unpredictable. I'm supposed to be editing Chapter One: Initiation, but I hate editing. So, basically, I subconsciously find a way to distract myself from doing it.

My mind is suck a fascinating place, isn't it?

I've also got to work on this new horror-comedy to post. It needs major editing. It lacks detail. I've also got to come up with a title. I'm thinking about The Creeper. It's funny and scary at the same time. Although, I keep forgetting to ask my friends for names. (I based the characters off of them, and don't feel comfortable using their real names for it.)

I should also write some for my Riddles Saga. I haven't updated it since February. :( That's reakkt sad since the characters from it are some of my best friends. We have tea parties. Okay, not really, but I like imaging Kevin in a pink dress. It entertains me when I'm bored. (Kevin's yelling at me.)

I do believe you've read enough insanity for one post.



5:48 pm

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