Wednesday, November 9th, 2011

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Wednesday, November 9th, 2011

4:29 pm

Dear Diary,

I have an, umm ... idea for a new story. It will be about a spirit. This spirit is the Spirit of the Seasons. She's really more of a nymph, but I've preferred the term "spirit".

I bet you're curious as to what started this idea. Well, as you know, it's fall here in Louisville, Kentucky. As we were coming home from school, I couldn't help but notice how the leaves rustled around as cars flew past. The way the leaves swirled got me thinking about spirits. Then, because we're reading Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Theif, I got to thinking about nymphs and spirits. I then started wondering if nymphs and spirits could control seasons like fairies and pixies and other woodland creatures.

Thus! An idea arose!

I still haven't worked out any of the little "kinks" yet, but I'll be sure to inform you of more when the time comes!



4:42 pm

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