If You Didn't Want Me Why Did You Kidnap Me?! (1) *WATTY AWARDS*

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I hated that stupid diner, if I wasn't in such a desperate need for money I wouldn't of bothered at that place anymore, but without that paycheck I wouldn't be able to afford that ridiculously expensive uniform we have to wear to my all girls catholic school or spot my Mom when she needed help with groceries. I'm sure if I lost this job I wouldn't be handicapped but it would just be unneeded complications. Especially with my Dad currently unemployed with this economy, we really need the money. If not I would have told that stuck up... that I was done and probably break something on the way out. 

It was just one of those nights, where I got a couple orders wrong, I broke a glass that she insisted was being taken out of my paycheck. A twenty-five cent plastic cup, that was already breaking, I gripped it too tightly and it started leaking. Let her have fun taking that out of my paycheck, I probably wouldn't even of noticed, but she had to make a scene and almost make me cry before a decent employee named Chuck, the cook stepped up and stood up for me. I was dearly thankful to have him and a few others, but their polite smiles weren't enough to rid me of this horrible mood. 

I was stomping my way home in my cheap two dollar flip flops clicking underneath it with every determined stride. That old bag, I couldn't wait till she croaked. I know it's a horrible thing to think but honestly. She didn't understand that I go to an all girls school, so when I have to wait on boys I'm nervous. The only guy I ever really talk to is Chuck, a forty year old guy who only live with two cats. I slightly felt bad for him, he was the nicest man I ever met, aside from my Dad. It was so cute though to see him flirt with the oldest waitress Heidi. She was probably the same age as him, and just as lonely. I knew it was only a matter of time before they started dating, but until then I would always seem to get in the middle of them. 

Just tonight, Chuck started chasing her tail again, and like usual she was playing hard to get. It was obvious she was interested too, but the chase was always the best part, or at least that's what Heidi said. At the time, they were just going back and forth with playful banter that I was used to, so I didn't pay attention, I just tuned it to my name. 

"You better stop playing hard to get Heidi, or I'll forget about you and settle with Schuyler here!" I eyed him, jokingly dangerous.  

"Settle?!" I questioned, before he dinged the bell telling me an order was up. 

That was probably the brightest time of my evening, and now it was nearly ten o'clock. The fall air was unforgiving to my bare skin. Our uniform for work for a short pale pink wavy skirt and a white button up shirt. I shivered uncontrollably, for the first time this season I saw my breath come out in visible puffs.  

I tried not to think about that stupid lady I have to call my boss, and I tried not to think about my empty stomach. I also tried not to think about tomorrow. I had a test worth thirty-five percent of my grade, and I knew I had a night full of cramming ahead of me. Sister Clarice wouldn't be pleased with anything below a B from me, and she had made that obvious today. 

My flip flops were the only sound on the lighted street. I walked home every day, I was used to the town being deserted, but for some reason tonight it felt different. It felt emptier than usual, more creepy. Maybe it was the cold weather, and the wind playing a trick on me. All those late nights watching horror movies were getting to me though, because I was making connections to those movies to what I was doing right now. 

I was a seventeen year old girl, walking home alone, under creepy yellow street lights that are flickering... 

I shook my head, I was just being stupid. Nothing was going to happen, I made this walk ever day since I got that ob at the dinner, I'll be fine. I was feeling safer, and stupider with each step as I got closer to my house. I was about to turn the corner, and continue thinking about how stupid my thoughts were when suddenly wheels squealed behind me.  

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