Thirty-six: Brum Brum

Start from the beginning

Each day I spent with Harry made my feelings grow and I noticed all the little things about him. Like the way he would wrap his arms around my waist in the most comforting way possible, the way his dimples would show whenever I entered the room and the way his eyes would crinkle when he found something hilarious. He was also wary of his actions and making sure not to get angry in front of me and loose it. He knew how I was when it came to someone being aggressive and for someone who goes around getting into fights and even murders he was the farthest from aggressive especially when I was in the room.

He was always caring and asking how I was and checking if I was alright and he was taking extra caution after what happened this afternoon. I was completely terrified of what was going to happen to me, even though I did walk away with bruises I was expecting far worse. But then again not every man part of the male species is like Josh and I've came to realised that after being with Harry for almost two months.

Always at the back of my mind I wonder when we will exchange 'I love you's' when is the correct time to pour out all of your feelings and declare your love for someone? Out of both of us who would be the first to say it? And would the other person feel the same?

Every time I spoke to Harry I was moving one step closer towards falling in love with him.

"What you thinking about?" I blinked my eyes a few times as I was brought from my day dream.

"Nothing much really, just things."

"Okay, do you want to talk about before? You mentioned something about someone wanting to uh- kill me?" He gulped, his Adams apple bobbing up and down.

"Not really but since you've mentioned it I suppose I've got no choice in the matter." I smiled at him, clearly aggravated at him not giving me a chance to answer. I sighed before continuing.

"All he really said was that his boss wanted me away from you and wouldn't stop at anything, and if that meant killing you then he would. He also said if I didn't stay away from you after that we would both suffer the consequences." I shuddered at having to remind myself of what happened earlier this afternoon. I forced the lump that was rising up in my throat.

"Okay. And was that all he said to you?"

"Basically yeah, but can we please just leave it now I don't want this ruining the night."

"Sure, c'mere." He opened his arms up from where he was sitting on the couch and I scooted over so I was curled up next to him, his hand rubbing up and down my arm. I could feel my eyes fluttering closed as I was cuddled up to Harry, him keeping my warm.

"You're perfect" was the last words I heard before dropping into a deep slumber.


"So is there a specific type of model you're after?"

Today was the day I finally got to buy a car, my own car with my own money. I was ecstatic and I couldn't wait to start driving in it. I knew it would take a few days for me to be able to collect it and drive it because of insurance but I didn't care, at the end of the day I was going to be the owner of a car.

"I'm not really that fussy about cars just as long as it's in my price range and I can afford the insurance for it."

"Well from what I can gather, we have a lot of cars old and new that are right up your street and price range, just follow me"

I walked behind the podgy sales assistant as he spoke about the cars that were going to be suitable for me to buy and drive. When we stopped I scanned the cars that were parked in front of me and I was about to give up as none had caught my eye but then a blue green mini cooper was parked at the back. That was it that was my car.

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