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   "Shawn? Look, I'm sorry." I stood in his bedroom doorway as I watched him scribble words down on paper.

"I just need a break." His words came out slow and stabbed me in the heart.

"From us?" I whispered.

"No!" Shawn turned around and I could finally see the stress on his face. "From my life."

"Why?" I always imagined he had it so well.

"Because I can't make any choices for myself. And then I work hard in the studio all for what? A few awards. A few to play on the radio. I absolutely hate it."

I walked up to Shawn and put my arms around him. His body was tense and he slowly brought himself to wrap his arms around me.

"I'm here with you though, right?" I looked up into his mesmerizing eyes.

"If you weren't, I don't know where I would be." He nuzzled his face into my neck, standing there for a few minutes.

It felt nice to just stand there without having to say or do anything. It was like we understood each other without actually communicating. To be in his arms was all I needed and to be in mine was all that he needed. Maybe it was reassurance that everything was alright between us, but it felt as if there were something more to it.

"Don't leave me." He pulled back from me to stare into my eyes.

"Not ever."

"I won't." I promised him.

Just then my phone started ringing and I noticed it was an unknown number, but local to the area.

"Do you mind if I take this?" I stepped away from Shawn.

"Go ahead." He took a step away and acted busy by shuffling through papers on his desk.

"Hello?" I answered the phone to only hear someone on the other line.

"Clover, I need your help." The voice was unmistakably Lance's.

I stood in a daze of shock for thirty seconds before I actually hung up on him.

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