Held At Gun Point

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Had it been an hour?

Four hours?

A day even?

I had no comprehension of time.

My wrists hurt and my mouth was dry.

I could spot a water bottle on the dresser and I wanted to drink it so badly.

I heard the keypad click, indicating that Lance was coming back.

I froze in place, afraid that he would turn on me with the gun.

I closed my eyes and started to cry, thinking of Lance's threats.

"Claire!" Shawn's voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

My eyes open and I start to move around, not caring about my hurting wrists anymore.

My heart sank when I saw Shawn holding Ducky.

Shawn set Ducky down to untie the gag from my mouth.

"What happened?! Are you okay? I knew you shouldn't have met up with Lance!"

"Shawn you've got to get yourself and Ducky out of here! This is a setup. Just give me my phone and I'll call for help."

Shawn handed my phone to me.

"Tell me everything!" Shawn pleaded.

I glance around the room and my heart speeds up when I see Lance's figure in the doorway pointing the gun at Shawn.


A gunshot went off and the room started to spin as I saw Shawn crouch down low.

Did he get hit?!

I hear screaming throughout the halls of the hotel.

Shawn and I made eye contact and we both looked at each other with concern.

He crawled over to me quickly.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

I nod and look for any bloodstains on Shawn.

He caught on quickly.

"Baby, I'm fine. I didn't get hit."

"Not this time, you didn't." Lance still held the gun in his hands.

"It's nice of you to show up for the big announcement."

Shawn quickly got to his feet.

"Give me the key so I can let her go!"

Lance chuckled and wiped sweat off his forehead.

"She'll be set free, but not until the wedding."

"You're disgusting!" I yelled to Lance.

"I'm going to marry Clover." Lance held the gun in one hand and pulled out a ring from his pocket with the other.

"You can't force someone to marry you Lance!" Shawn was bold and walked closer to him.

I heard Ducky quacking from down the hallway running back to the room.

I hadn't noticed Ducky leaving, but in my defense my attention was on Shawn and trying to escape.

Lance winced and pointed the gun at me. "Clover, this is no time for jokes."

My heart picked up speed even more.

"What are you talking about?!"

"You're not fooling me! Turn off that sound." Lance snatched my phone from me.

And then I remembered...

Lance was afraid of ducks.

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