Little Sister

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    I felt pathetic crying alone on an empty park bench, eating a burger and milkshake from McDonald's.

Who was I kidding?

I was pathetic!

After seeing Shawn again for the first time in six months, it would've been a lie to say that I didn't miss him.

  He up and left six months ago, not even saying a simple goodbye.

I hated him for that and I never wanted to forgive him!

I hated the way my name rolled so easily off his tongue.

For the past months that he had been gone I had been going by Claire, because I hated the name Clover.

   I had left the school building right after seeing Shawn.

The nerve he had to show up there!

He couldn't have shown up at my house, he just had to show up at school.

  The way he was flirting with the women in the office made me feel sick.

They were twice his age, mind you!

Did he even still have morals?

A breeze picked up and it began to grow chilly.

I got up and threw away the bag and empty cup, having finished everything.

I walked a few blocks down and stopped when I saw the Mendes' house, just down the street.

My house was the next street over and I bet you wouldn't guess how far apart mine and Shawn's houses were.

They were directly behind each other.

I made the choice to go to the Mendes' house.

Not to see Shawn, but to see his little sister Aaliyah.

She was like a little sister to me!

Always had been, always will be.

Shawn never tore our friendship apart, and for that I'm glad.

I just wanted to make sure she was alright and wasn't handling Shawn coming home as badly as I was.

"Hello, Claire!" Karen greeted me.

  "I'm guessing you came to see Shawn? He's home, you know?"

"No, I didn't come to see him. Is Aaliyah here?"

"Right upstairs." She directed me, as she let me come inside.

I walked upstairs and into Aaliyah's room.

I found her and Shawn talking on her bedroom floor.

Aaliyah noticed me and started pushing Shawn toward the door.

"Get out!" Aaliyah kept pushing him and he slowly stumbled back.

"Aaliyah, what are you doing?" He laughed a little and looked behind him to see what she was looking at.

Shawn was quick to his feet. "Clove- I mean, Claire! I didn't mean to-"

"Shawn, get out!" Aaliyah screeched.

Shawn stepped out of the room and I stepped in.

Aaliyah shut the door behind me.

"I'm guessing you know what happened?" I looked at Aaliyah and she nodded.

   "He really did miss you." Aaliyah sighed.

   "You're on his side?!"

   "He was stupid, but that's just how he is. He didn't think much about it." She defended Shawn.

   "Exactly. He didn't give me a second thought when he was gone and then he shows up at my school calling me his girl."

   "Well you used to be..." She reminded me.

   "Not anymore." I shook my head.

  "I better be getting home, I just wanted to see how you were doing. Bye."

   "It's all good here bye, Claire."

   I walked out of her room to see Shawn waiting nervously close by.

I gave him another glare and stomped away.

Written by my cowriter themuffinbenito 😊😊😊 check out her story Rich Kids😊

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