Chapter 1 💫Starsanses💫 (part 1)

Start from the beginning

Then all of a sudden I felt a taping on my shoulder. I jumped at that sudden feeling and swung around, to see who touched me. It was Ink and he seemed to be surprised. When I looked around everyone was looking at me. I was panicking. "Are you ok (Y/N)?" Ink asked. I instantly nodded. "Then are you gonna answer Dream or what?" He asked again. Feeling embarrassed to be caught in thoughts for so long and not listening, I bowed and asked "I'm sorry could you repeat that?".

The sweet skeleton with the yellow cape started to laugh warmly, then said:"You don't need to bow infront of me (Y/N). Stand straight. I was just asking you, what weapon you would like?".

I nervously giggled and stood up straight. "Yes yes, my apologies Dream, May I have this sword over there please?" I pointed to my desired sword and smiled. I had some experience fighting with a sword, but wasn't as great as Blue was.

"Sure thing, Oh and please! You don't have to be so formal around me, we know each other for a long time." Dream said and got up to get the sword for me. I watched him confused. 'We know each other for a long time???' I repeated the phrase in my head. 'But I only met him twice.. ' I thought, but showed it away afterwards, as Dream placed the sword in my hands. It felt awesome.

Dream gave me some instructions and what I need to know about the sword etc...

After the instructions Blueberry walked up to us and gave us a sweet smile. "Welp, are you all ready for the mission?" He asked. I smiled and nodded, while putting the sword away.

Dream placed a hand on my shoulder and said: "Great! Ink, Can you open a portal?". Ink grinned "Sure thing! Let's go!" He said, as he opened a portal and I instantly jumped through.


The portal led to the horrific castle of the king of darkness. The second I was through the portal a wave of cold air hit my body. I started to shake badly, but had to fight it. I didn't want to come out as weak and pathetic. I looked around and searched for a hiding place. I ducked and hid in a big bush. The others were already there.

"There you are (Y/N). I thought you would get cold feet" Ink said. I got slightly pissed at that comment, but shrugged it off as I heared the soft sound of Dreams voice. "Don't be so tough on her, it's her first mission Ink. I remember your first mission very well, so be nice.". Ink gave Dream an annoyed frown back. "Well back in our time, we hadn't had to fight a maniac, who tried to rule over the universes." Ink agitated Dream. Dream sighed and gave me a worried look.

"You have to be carefull now (Y/N) .Dream, Blue and I will find a hiding spot from where we will watch you, we will make a map of the inside of the castle so it will take a few minutes if something happens to you " said Ink.

To be honest I was a little afraid to go inside this big spooky castle all alone.

Dream, the innocent brother of Nightmare, noticed that and tried to cheer me up:"don't worry (Y/N), if something happens we will come in no time to rescue you."

"YES HUMAN, I THE MAGNIFICENT SANS WILL ALWAYS PROTECT AND SAFE YOU!!!MWEHEHEHEHEHE---!!!"yelled Blueberry, the sweet and cute one out of the group.
"Hushhhhh be quiet Blue ,we are on a mission , I don't want us being cought. Especially not when HE is near HER. She can't even protect herself probably yet. We CAN'T afford doing mistakes." interrupted Ink.

'Ink was acting strange all day. I wasn't sure if he woke up with the wrong foot today or if he was just worried about me, cus I am a 'NEWBEE'.
'That's stupid... I can take care of myself just fine...
It's not like that I will run into thair arms or anything.'

I slightly blushed angrily at this point and nodded. They wished me luck. Blueberry and Dream hugged me for the last time before I got ready to go.
I scanned the area for some Nightmare Papyruses, the servants of the dark king and I was lucky, because there weren't any. How strange... Why would a kingdom with this importance, not be patrolled or at least protected ?
I tried to be as quiet as possible and tiptoed my way to the wall of the Castle. I quickly climbed up the wall to an open window and checked if someone was in the room to where the window leads. No-one... that was strange...' Maybe they had a festival or something in the castle.' That was a dumb thought really.. But I couldn't figure out, why there were no guards outside.
I was in a bathroom it was grey with a black rain shower. It looked very nice and modern. I searched for security cameras. When I found none I went for the gigant dark brown door and opened it a small bit, to see, if there were any guards around. I was taken aback, when I saw none. None! Not even a maid or servant. 'This is madness, are there even guards in this kingdom?! Or are they having a tea party?' I thought while sneaking outside the bathroom and into the long dark grey hallway. There were antique statures and oil paintings. It looked awesome. Just like out of a princess movie, but with a dark touch.

Suddenly I heared a rustle!? I quickly hid behind a gigant stature of someone that I didn't know ... the stature represented a seemingly noble person.
I waited.....and waited... until everything was quiet again and the air was clean.
After that I got out of my hiding spot and continued my mission.

I went straight forward and turned left into the next hallway. I had to get into the middle of the castle, there should be a safe nearby, where the orb should be in.
I was focused on my mission, but as I turned right, I bumped into someone... I heared heavy breathing and grunting...

I bumped into him....

Yay my first Chapter. Hope you liked it :3
♡nightmare2204 ♡

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