That information surprises me!

The captain comes over the loudspeaker:

"Final approach, Mr. Forñay!"

LeAnn places the guns back into their cases and begins to close them all. "All right, Miss Hallowell! Buckle in."

I grin at her as I sit.

"Call me Sam," I say and she smiles at me, putting the cases on the floor.

We arrive in Athens soon after.

LeAnn grabs two metal cases and puts them into our black Cadillac Escalade. I'm still on the jet waiting for Ryder to exit.

He walks up to me placing his hands on my hips.

"I want you to listen to everything she tells you, okay? And don't leave her side at all."

He tucks a piece of hair behind my ear.

"I will, I promise," I say as I smile nervously. "I expect the three of you back in one peace."

Ryder nods.

"And we still haven't finished our conversation from earlier. I intend to have it," I say as I blush and he pulls me into a kiss.

I wrap my arms around his neck, standing on my toes. Placing my hand on the back of his head, I deepen the kiss.

Do I really love this man? After all, I am sending him to death's door just to get my parents back. Is he going to return to me or disappear as he has done before?

No! I can't think that way! It's his love for me that has him risking his own life.

Ryder breaks me from my thoughts when I hear him moan. He puts his hands on my ass and lifts me.

I wrap my legs around his waist, continuing to kiss him. I rake my hands carefully through his hair. He stops and looks up at me.

"I intend to have that conversation with you, Sam. And a bunch of others as the years go by."

He runs his hand down my neck. I hug him and he slowly puts me back on the floor, never letting go of me.

Ryder then lets me go and searches my face. I don't know why he's doing that. I get the uneasy feeling that he's trying to remember my face, in the event something happens to him.

I instantly get goosebumps.

"Come back to me please," I whisper to him.

"I will." He kisses my forehead, cheek, and softly on my lips.

"Let's go." He grabs both suitcases and we exit the jet.

"LeAnn, you know what to do," Ryder says as he puts the cases into the trunk of his black Range Rover. LeAnn walks up to us.

"I do, sir! I'll take great care of your special cargo." LeAnn looks at me and smiles, walking back to our truck.

I put my hands around his hips. "Thank you, again, for everything! For what you're about to do." I am holding back my tears.

He grabs my chin and softly kisses me. "I'll do anything for you. All you have to do is ask."

He smiles weakly as his eyes bore into mine. "Please, just stay with LeAnn. I'll call her the moment I have your parents and we are at a safe distance."

I nod as hopelessness falls on me.

Ryder walks me to the truck, where I climb into the passenger seat and buckle in. He closes my door.

"Be safe! Both of you."

We both smile at him. Tears start to pool in my eyes.

Through the window, he cradles my face. I have never seen true sadness on his face until now. I rest my hand on top of his.

Ryder's look of sadness turns into the creepy, calm look I'm starting to love.

I know he doesn't want to leave me but he's doing something dangerous. My safety is very important to him.

I love you he mouths, as LeAnn slowly drove off.

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