Day 30: Reflection

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I made it!!!!! I completed the challenge and didn't miss a single day. Even though some prompts I had no ideas I surprised myself by coming up with something in the end. Also I managed to come up with some pretty cool ideas. I'm not sure if this helped my writing but I guess time will tell.

I would love to do this again but maybe during the summer. My summer break is wrapping up wth about three more weeks with this week having me volunteering at vacation bible school and the last week devoted to band camp.

Also a couple of thank yous. First is my friend and fellow wattpader, Liz (@Zapper1). She was the one to get me to do this and gave her support throughout all of it. Second, is @SomethingUnbroken. She also gave support for me through her votes. I appreciate every single one.

Anyway this challenge has come to an end and I probably won't update much now. Thank you for reading. Until next time lovelies....


-Betelgeuse :D 

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