Day 12: A short fan fic

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Throughout the car ride I was bursting with joy. My friend and I were going to see Taylor Swift, one of my favorite singers, in concert. I have always wanted to see her in concert and my parents got me tickets for my birthday that was just a week ago.

We arrived at Pepsi Center in downtown Denver. I had passed this place so many times going to Eliches which is right next door but I've never been inside. This place was huge but we found our concert hall and went in.

Soon enough the concert began. I had a blast. It was everything I wished I would be. Cliche statements aside, this wasn't the main event. No. My parents had a secret for me. They managed, through some contest, to get backstage passes to meet Taylor after the concert. 

Once the concert was done we got to backstage and meet her. She was super nice but she was a little tired from the concert. Of course we got pictures and her autograph, got to check that off my bucket list, and got to talk to her for a little bit.

After good byes were exchanged we headed out. This was one of the best birthday gifts I have ever gotten.

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