Day 28: A Mansion

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I pulled up the the house. I was invited over for dinner that night. I heard that he lived in a big house, but this place was huge. The outside looked three times the size of my house and I live in a 5 bedroom, 6 bathroom house. The place was tan with dark brown trim. It sat on a hill with a forest all around. Just from the front there was a great view of the mountains in the distance.

I knocked on the large, wooden door. There was a patio that ran the length of the house with wooden columns every couple yards or so. To my left was a couple chairs and a table. Jackson answered the door after a minute. We exchanged hellos and we went inside. The floor was a nice, cherry wood. In front of the door was a grand staircase that was similar to the one on the Titanic. With the stairs going up then splitting into two separate staircases going in opposite directions. A painting of some pond sat on the wall by the landing.

We walked to the left of the stairs and found the living room. It had three couches in front of a large, stone fireplace. It seemed that Jackson's mom was really good at interior design. All the walls were painted in tans, browns, and greens.

Then came the kitchen. This was the biggest kitchen I had ever seen. A large island surrounded by more counter space and fancy appliances. The back walls had a mosaic back-splash. I saw on the other side was a dining room with dark brown, wooden table that looked like it weighed a ton.

Hey there. That pretty much all I got. Hey look somebody isn't updating at 10 o'clock at night. That's right. Anyway I hope you have had a fantastic day. This challenge is almost done. I wasn't sure I was going to be able to do it but I have done waaaaaaaaaaaay better than I thought I was going to do. Only two days left. Until next time lovelies.....


-Betelgeuse :D 

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