Day 29: Cemetery

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I walked through the entrance. A bouquet of flowers in my hand. I walked along the the path through the seemingly endless field of headstone. This cemetery is huge with headstones of all different shapes and sizes. There are some very old ones too. Some going back to the 1800's. I walk to the newer section and find the one grave I came for. I set the flowers down under the craved words. I sat o the ground for who knows how long before I forced myself to get up and head back home.

Hey there. Not the happiest of prompts is it? Fun fact, this is based of this huge cemetery that is near my grandma's house. Anyway I hope you have had a fantastic day. I'm actually writing this in the afternoon instead of night. Also I only have one more day which is really just going to be one long author's note. So this is the last writing prompt. Well until next time lovelies.....


-Betelgeuse :D

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