Day 3: A stalker watching his/her victim

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I stepped off the bus. I made sure to stay behind her. Every day after school I would follow her from a safe distance as she walked home. I never had the courage to go and talk to her even though we were in the same grade and had some classes together. I guess I'll just continue to observe from afar.

On that day she had her hair up in a high ponytail that swayed as she walked. She had on a black tanktop with faded shorts and some white sandals. She had her Spanish textbook and a binder in her arms.

I found it odd that she never noticed me walking behind her. I guess she just assumed that I lived farther down the street which I did. Only a 10 minute walk from her house.

We finally got to her house. She lived in a tan, two story house like most of the houses on our street. She turned to head up to her front door. As she turned she saw me walking by and gave me a smile and a wave. I, of course, waved back. 

Maybe I could be with her one day.

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