Day 17: Fairy Tale

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I wake up to another day. Another day suck in this room. I swung my legs to the side of the bed and went to my closet to start the day. I picked a green cami under a purple crop top and some jean shorts. I threw my long, golden hair into a fishtail braid and went to go start the day. I grabbed my sketchbook and pencils and sat at my desk and started to draw while I waited for breakfast. It soon came through the delivery hole that was in the wall right beside the door. One of my favorites, poppy seed muffins. Nice, hot, and fresh.

I went through the two muffins pretty quickly so I could start on my sketch for what I could paint next. There was blank spot within my painting of a waterfall in the mountains. I needed something to be there along with the waterfall but I didn't know what. I sketched a couple ideas down until I found one I really liked. It was a couple having a picnic. So I went over to the wall to sketch out the drawing. By this point, it was lunchtime and I heard the bell that meant that something was in the delivery hole. I guessed that it was my lunch and sure enough, it was.I noticed that there was also a note beside the plate. It read... 

"I need a picture drawn by tonight. Doesn't need to be colored. Thanks."

I sighed an looked at the wall were I was working. Looks like that will have to wait. I picked up my sketchbook off the floor and flipped to a new pages as I sat down at my desk. I looked at my other drawings that I did before the couple one but none of them were polished enough to give to Mama. She only wants the best drawings from me. That's why I normally give her several so she can choose which ones to keep and which ones to give back to me. I don't know what she does with my drawings but she seems to really like them.

After several failed attempts, I got a really good drawings along with several runner-ups. The best one was of a forest in the winter and runner-ups were of forests in the other seasons. I grabbed another piece of paper and wrote a quick message....

"Here are the best ones I've made today. My favorite in the winter one but you can decide and keep which ever ones you want.  -Rebecca

I folded up my note and placed all the papers in the delivery hole and pressed the button to tell Mama that I got her drawings. I could finally return to my original task. I grab my paints from the drawer were they rest and got to work.

By dinnertime I had most of the painting done. I had the boy, the basket, and the head of the girl all done. I took a break to eat the pasta salad that came through. I hoped that later I could get dessert. I only get dessert if I send Mama a drawing that she really liked.  

Soon the bowl was licked clean and sent back through the delivery hole. I returned to my work. I was hoping that I could get this little painting done by the time I went to bed. My bigger paintings, like the background of this one, normally take me several days to complete. My largest one, a sunset over a beach that took up half of the wall next to my bed, took me a week to finish. Most of the walls are covered with small painting that don't take up to much space since I have limited wall space. I was glad that I was given a very big room with lots of space for paintings. Also I was given unlimited art suppiles from Mama so even when I run out of room, I can still draw and maybe get some paper to paint on or even some canvases. 

I finished my little painting just as the sun was dipping below the trees of the forest that laid outside my window. I always wanted to go see the world but whenever I ask Mama says no. Just then I heard the bell. Dessert!!!! I ran to the delivery window and quickly opened it. A slice of cheesecake with chocolate sauce sat on a small plate with a fork. I quickly wrote a message of thanks and sent it through before I sat down and enjoyed my cheesecake. 

After the cheesecake was all gone, I went to go get ready for bed. Once I was in my pjs, I grabbed the book I was currently reading and plopped myself onto my bed. Six chapters later I turned the lights out and went to bed wondering if I will ever leave this room.

Hey there. I decided to do something a little different with this. I based it off a fairy tale. More specifically Rapunzel. More Disney's Rapunzel but Rapunzel none the less. Also I really enjoyed writing this one and have an idea on how to continue it. So if you would like me to keep going, I will just let me know. Anyway I hope you had a great day. On the day I'm posting this me and Liz played with a slip n' slide pretty much all day which was super fun. Well until next time lovelies...


-Betelgeuse :D

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