Day 7: The creepy woods

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They were always there. Those woods. They lay beyond my backyard. When I was younger, I was terrified of them, but now they just intrigue me. There are stories about how thousands of people have committed suicide in those woods. I never went in there but soon enough curiosity got to me.

My parents were out of town for the weekend. I didn't want them around and just hoped I won't get into trouble. From an visual stand point, the woods weren't that bad. Probably because in was the afternoon and the sun was still pretty high in the sky. I knew if I stayed out here after dark it would get a lot creepier. 

I stuck to this worn dirt path that weaved through the trees. I did not want to get lost out here. I found it pretty peaceful at first. A light breeze in the trees, the singing of birds around me. I had no idea why I found this place creepy. But then I came across a note.

I couldn't make out the words. The paper was old, wrinkled and covered in dirt. I disregarded it and continued on. As the sun started going down. I was still getting use to the shortening days. I looked down at my phone, 4:57. It would be dinner time soon enough so I turned around. 

I followed the path that I took in but it seemed like a different area as the sun started to dip below the distance mountains. The peacefulness of earlier were rapidly being taken over by a feeling of unease. I found myself looking over my shoulder over and over again and I was picking up my pace. The unease was quickly turning into paranoia. As the light slowly faded away, my pace quickened. Soon enough I was running. I didn't feel safe anymore. I was growing tired but I still ran. I wasn't going to stop until I made it home.

After many tense minutes, I made it back to my backyard. The fear was gone as soon as I stepped out onto the fresh cut grass of my lawn. I bent over with my hands going to my thighs. Once I could breath normally again I went inside to make myself some dinner. 

I still don't know what's up with those woods. Every single time I went in I was fine until the sun started to set. After that first trip it called me back and every time I stayed after dark the fear got stronger.

I have no idea what's going on but maybe one day I'll be free from it's beckoning call.

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