Day 4: A hot summer day

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The temperature had to be at least 98 degrees. Several of my friends were over and we were trying to figure out what to. I mentioned that I happen to have several packages of water balloons. We all agreed to have water balloon fight. After all my friends got swimsuit we started to fill the water balloons.

This didn't stop us from already trowing the balloons at each other.

"Hey save some of them for the fight!" I said placed another balloon in the bucket we had. Some balloons were still broken by my friends throwing in the air and not catching them.

Once we had all the balloons filled we brought them in the backyard. As soon as I placed the backet down my friends swarmed in and grabbed a bunch of balloons and he fight began.

We had almost 500 balloons to go through so we were out in my backyard for almost two hours. The cooling water felt great against the heat. I was actually glad every time a balloon was thrown at me. 

By the time we were at of balloons we were all soaking wet. We laid down a bunch of towels and laid out to dry. I grabbed my mister so we wouldn't all over heat. We were out there until the sun began to set and the heat started to leave the air. That's when all my friends went on home. I put some clothes on and went back out. The best part about Colorado is it doesn't matter how hot it gets it always cools down to about 70 degrees. Just another summer day.

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