Day 16: A Lake

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The car bumped along the dirt road. I was talking to my friend, Amy about who knows what. We were off to my famliy's lakeside cabin for the month. Every summer we go up to the cabin but this year I was allowed to take a friend.

After about 3 hours in the car we arrived at our cabin. It was a fancy cabin. It was an A frame with to boxes attached to either side and was made of wood.

We parked the car and processed to unload the car and bring our suitcases inside. My room was always the one on the third floor in the crow's nest. Up here the rooms were small and on either side of the staircase. Amy was going to be on the left and I was going to be on the right. In my room there was only a lamp, a bedside table, a small desk, and a bed. There wasn't a wall or door separating the two rooms but I put up a curtain at the entrance so I could have some privacy. It was a nice pink and green curtain that brought some color into this room.

Once we had brought our suitcases upstairs, Amy and I went downstairs and outside to the lake that is just down the hill. The lake was a lovely, deep blue color with pine trees surrounding the water. There were a couple boat docks including the one that we were standing on and some people out on the water in there boats.

It was a beautiful day so we ran back to ask if we can get our boat out onto the water. My dad said yes and after getting the boat by the dock and in the water we started off. This lake is pretty big and several people had cabins around the lake.

We spent several hours just driving around the lake sitting in the seats at the front of the boat. After we returned back to shore the sun was starting to dip below the tree and the yellow light started to turn orange. We started up a fire in out fire pit. We made some hot dogs with s'mores for dessert.

This was just the first day of a fun trip up at the lake.

Hey there. I just want to say that I really had no idea of what I was doing when writing this. So this is what you get. Well until next time my lovelies....


-Betelgeuse :D

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