Day 9: Someone's mythical tale

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When I was young, my grandpa always had great stories. He had been to so many place and seen so much he always had a new story to tell when my family got together.

These stories ranged from colorful characters he met on a cruise ship to him exploring Carlsbad Caverns. But he saved the best for last.

He was dying of cancer. He only had days to live. I went to see him in the hospital.

"Hey grandpa." I said as I entered the room.

"Oh hello Clarissa." he replied. If he wasn't in a hospital with all sorts of random thing attached to him, you wont've been able to tell he was sick.

"How are you feeling?" I asked as I sat down on a stool beside his bed.

"Well I've been much better." He probably saw the sadness in my eyes. "How about I tell you another story. I haven't told you one in awhile since you moved out and started your own life."

"I would love that. Just like old times." I replied leaning in a little closer.

"Hmmmmm. How about I tell you a story I've only told your grandma." he said with a smile.

"Please. Go right ahead."

"Okay. This is the story of how I almost caught Bigfoot."

"Oh really?" I asked but I let him tell his tale. He went into a story about how when he was a teenager in Washington he and two of his friends went camping. After hearing strange noises, they sent up a trap with a camera. In the morning, the trap was left untouched but the camera picked up a Bigfoot walking right by it.

Do I believe it? I'm still not sure, but sadly that was the last story that he ever told. He died the next in the early hours of the morning. But because of him, I travel the world so I can have as many interesting stories to tell as he did.

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