Day 11: A fight

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I threw my stuff at the foot of my bed. I wanted to be as far away from my parents when my dad got home which would very soon. I unzipped my bag and started on homework. My mom soon brought me my dinner so I wouldn't have to go downstairs. 

I heard the door opened and in came a candidate for the worst dad ever. I prayed that he wouldn't come upstairs. I hated that I had to leave my mom down there with him but I knew he goes easier on her than me. He never wanted kids so when I came into this world he instantly hated me. For me just existing. 

Soon the voices of my parents started getting louder. I try to ignore it as I completed my math homework but they only got louder and more malice. They died down a little bit while my mom made dinner. I picked up the plate that my mom gave me and ate the sandwich. 

But after dinner, all hell broke lose. It started with their normal shouting but then I heard the shattering of glass. It's rare that their fights got physical but every once in a while they did.

Cries of pain came from both of them but mostly my mom. Soon I couldn't take it any long and I grabbed my headphones and played some music in an attempt to drown out the chaos downstairs. I wished it would just go away.

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