Day 6: Something that happened to you

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The snowflakes drifted slowly down

We all climbed the trail

To find the perfect spot

We came upon a tall, pine tree

It was just right

We all stopped and clustered around 

Words were spoken

Tears were shed

The cold nipped my cheeks

But I didn't care

After all that was to be said was said

Grandma opened that little, black box

The gray dust spoiled the lovely, white snow

There it laid

Under that pine tree

After it was all done

I look down the slope

The snow danced as it fell

As we all left

To go get some lunch

I had one thought on my mind

He would have loved it here

Now he can stay forever

Hey there. Here is some context...

I wrote this for a English poem assignment. This was a memory poem about my grandpa's funeral. I thought I would include it . Is it cheating? I say no but you can have your own opinions. Anyway I hope you are having a fantastic day. Until next time lovelies...



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