Day 13: Someone in the hospital

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I sat in the waiting room wondering when I could go and see my friend. I couldn't stay still and kept rubbing my fingers and hands together.

"Visitors for Hunter Brown, you can now see him." I heard the nurse say. I was instantly on my feet and eagerly walked with the nurse to his room.

Hunter was my best friend and I had known him for a very long time. So naturally I was super worried when I found out that he broke his arm really badly when he was skateboarding. He just went through surgery and would probably have a cast on for a long time.

We finally got to his room. Room 116. The nurse opened the door to let me in then closed it again so we could be alone. Other than the IV in his arm and the temporary cast covering almost his entire arm he looked like the same Hunter to me.

"Hey. It's me. How are you feeling?" I asked as I walked up to the bed.

"Oh hey Sammie. I'm not feeling to bad. I thought I would feel worse." he replied sounding slightly tired.

"Would you like to tell me what you were doing to get your arm like this?" I asked as I pulled up and sat down in a small chair.

"Well I was going into a bowl but I lose my balance coming out and wiped out bending my arm in ways I didn't think were possible in the process."

"Did they say how long your going to have the cast?"

"They say about two mouths."

"Looks like your aren't going to be skateboarding anytime soon."

"Or doing much for that matter. At least it was my left hand our I REALLY wouldn't be able to do anything." he said with a small laugh. I laughed right along with him.'

We went on talking just like we normally do until I got a text from my mom saying that I was needed at home.

"Looks like I'm needed elsewhere. Good to know you are alright." I said placing my phone back into my pocket.

"Okay. I guess I'll see you later." he said.

"Yeah see you later. Text me when you get out of here." I said as I headed towards the door. We said one final good bye before I exited the room.

Hey there. I was surprised how much I actually liked writing this. Well the more you know. Anyway I hope you are enjoying these little short stories. I'm enjoying this a little bit more than I thought I going to. Well the more you know. I hope you are having a fantastic day. Until next time lovelies....


-Betelgeuse :D

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