Day 22: Siblings

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"Why are you moving? I thought you liked it here in Wyoming?" I asked my brother as we were packing up his stuff.

"Best opportunities popped up in Colorado, sis." he said as he taped up a box. He had gotten a new job down in Colorado so he was moving to Fort Collins. I was going to miss him terrible.

"Are you going to miss this apartment?" I asked taping up other box.

"A little bit. This was my first apartment." he responded placing various objects in the box. We were about done and he was leaving soon.

After several hours we had all the boxes put on the trucks and the last pieces of furniture on the truck.

"Alright everything is ready." my mom said as the mover closed the door on the back of the truck.

"I guess this is good bye." I said sadly.

"Hey you can come visit me when you can. I'm not moving to Australia." my brother said with a laugh. I laughed with him as I pulled him into a hug.

"I'll still miss you." I said.

"I'll miss you too." he said breaking the hug.

We all watched as he drove off and we headed off too. I can't wait until I see him again.

Hey there. Finally a prompt where I can write more than three sentences. Yeah, yeah I know how late this is going up, but my cousin came and first we were out all night then me and him were down stairs. In fact I wrote the story on my phone while watching him play Super Mario Galaxy on my Wii. Anyway I hope you had a great day. Until next time lovelies.....


-Betelgeuse :D

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