Day 10: Mermaids

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I went down to the beach near my house like I normally do. This beach is surprisingly empty even though it was more than few legends about this place. I mean it's called Mermaid Beach for a reason.

There are hundreds of stories of people seeing mermaids around this area and some are very descriptive. They go on about how they have very long hair and tails in all the colors of the rainbow and more and how they shimmered with polished scales. 

Now I've lived here all my life and in my 17 years of life I've never seen any of these mermaids but still I go out every day to look. It's a tradition my mom and I started when I was very young. I guess that's how my obsession with mermaids, that I had when I was a kid, was started. 

Once again nothing but as I turned to leave I was positive I saw a flash, a reflection of the setting sun of in the distance.

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