Day 1: Point of view of an animal

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I woke up from the cement ground to the sound of other puppies and dogs. I saw the breeder come with fresh water to all the cages. I walked on over to the bowl and took a large drink. The water was nice and refreshing. It seemed that all my brothers and sisters had already woken up and were outside.

It was a nice, sunny day. My siblings were all playing with mama so I ran over to join them. I was greeted by a kiss from mama and a big group hug from my siblings. We played with the assortment of chew toys that were scattered around the pen until we heard the breeder come with breakfast. It seemed that as we got older we were being taken off mama's milk slowly. The dry food was pretty good but the milk is better.

I spent the rest of the morning playing with my sibling. It was getting hotter and hotter so mama had us come inside to play. When we can in I heard strange voices come from the entrance. I knew what that meant. People had come to take a puppy home with them. So far three of my siblings had been taken by some families. I wanted to go with a family and see what else there was outside of my cage in the place.

The family came walking down the hallway looking at all the puppies in the cages. They murmured a bunch of things I didn't understand, and then stopped in front of my cage. Mama came and greeted them, so I guessed that they were safe. I went beside her and placed my paws up on the cage and yipped trying to get their attention. There were four people in this family, two parents, a boy, and a young girl. 

The young girl knelt down beside me and tickled my nose through the cage. I licked her finger which made her giggle. She looked up at her mama and said something to her. Then her her mama said something to the breeder and she opened the cage and picked me up. Everyone got there chance to hold me except the young girl. I didn't now what they were saying but somehow I knew that they wanted to take me home.

I was placed back into the cage. I was very excited. The family seemed very nice and I really like them especially the young girl. After a bunch of time passed the family came back. I barked a good bye to my family as the breeder picked me up and placed me in the mama's arms. With that we headed out. They brought me to a big, oddly shaped metal thing with seats in it. I was placed in the lap of the young girl and once everyone was in the metal thing started to move as we headed to my new home.

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