Day 14: Accident

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We were outside messing around and playing catch. It wasn't a really hard ball so I thought we couldn't do any damage. But my friend does have a very strong arm. She made that thing hurt if you weren't paying close enough attention to catch it. On one of her throws she threw it so hard that I naturally dodged out of the way for it was going straight for my face. But then I hear the sound of shattering glass come from behind me. Sure enough she manage to slam the ball straight into our sliding glass door. Instantly my mom was at the door looking over the damage.

"Oh I am so sorry." my friend says. I can tell that she is slightly freaking out.

"Oh it's alright. I know it was an accident and it gives us an excuse to replace this old door." my mom said laughing. Then she went to go get stuff to clean up the glass.

"How about we play something other than catch?" I said not want to break one of the neighbors windows.

"Yeah. I think we should." my friend replied as we went inside.

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